Does that one song got stuck in your head, and you desperately want to set it up as your mobile ringtone? Or do you want to endlessly jam on a music video song on the loop but your slow internet connection is not allowing you to do so? Whether you want to create your own mixtape or just listen to a Ted Talk in your car on your way to the office, knnit free YouTube to Mp3 converter allow you to convert YouTube videos into high-quality Mp3 audio files, and then you can save it in your internal phone or computer memory for easy access anytime.
How does Knnit free YouTube to Mp3 converter convert a YouTube video into Mp3 audio?
But wait for a second! First of all, we have fantastic news for you! That with our Knnit free YouTube to Mp3 converter, you can not only convert and download YouTube video files but also from other video browsing websites such as Dailymotion, MyVideo, SoundCloud, Metacafe, and any other website.
Step 1- Go to the YouTube webpage and enter the name of the video in the search bar to access that video. Select the desired video from the search result that you want to download, and it will begin playing on your desktop.
It is better if the video is not from a playlist and if it is, try to find its solo file on YouTube.
Note: you don’t need to login to your YouTube account unless the video has an age restriction, then you will have to log in.
Step 2- Now, click the address bar and copy the video address with the control and C button or command and C button (for Mac users), or you can simply drag your mouse across the address and then right-click on the mouse to select the ‘copy’ option.
Step 3- Now, access the Knnit free YouTube to Mp3 video converter and right-click on the ‘video address’ field followed by the option of ‘paste’ to paste the video address.
Step 4- Choose the format of the file you want to convert the video into and if you simply want to download the video in its original format, then simply click the continue option.
Step 5- You can also select the quality of the file you are downloading from the option, and you can also rename the file at this step for easy access later on, now click on the ‘start’ button to start the conversion of the video.
Step 6- Wait for the convert to complete the conversion of the YouTube video to your desired format and then simply download the file for your internal storage by clicking on the ‘download’ button on the screen.
The bigger the file, the longer it will take time to convert the video.
Also, if you have a not so fast internet connection, then converting into a high-quality file will also take its appropriate time.
With just a few clicks, you can escape from the efforts of finding an Mp3 file of the songs you want to listen on the loop.
With the high-quality download option, also supported in 3GP, MP4, and other various video formats, you will have the best video experience.