Video should be in the marketing toolbox of every self-published author. Learn how to create your own book trailer without any technical experience.
Are you trying to get more people interested in your new book? Start generating a buzz with video marketing!
Video content is playing a big role in how people shop today. In fact, 90% of customers say videos help them make purchasing decisions. If you want to appeal to an audience of readers, grab their attention and get them excited with a compelling book trailer.
Not sure where to get started? Here are the five tips you need for success. With these tips, you can learn how to make a book trailer with ease.
Boost sales with these five simple tips.
- Outline the Story
Before you start creating your book trailer, it’s important to determine the story you want to tell with your trailer. How much information do you want to reveal? Which concepts best capture your novel.
All book trailers need a beginning, middle, and end. Try to set the stage and introduce your characters in the beginning. Then, build suspense with a thrilling twist.
Outlining your story will help you develop a trailer that grabs the viewer’s attention.
Don’t forget to finish it off with a call-to-action. Where can people buy your book?
Outlining beforehand ensures you don’t forget any important pieces of information once you get started.
- Gather Your Materials
Before you can discover how to make a book trailer, you need your assets. Gather the photos, video clips, and text you want to use.
For example, you might want to use scanned images from your book if it includes pictures. If not, you might want to focus on the cover imagery instead.
If you don’t have photos to work with, consider choosing a few stock images or video clips.
Videos have increased brand association by 139%. When choosing stock images or clips, make sure the assets you choose match the tone of your book.
- Choose a Program
There are a few different programs you can use to create your book trailer. For example, you might want to use Animoto or Canva. Give each one a try.
Then, determine which platform you’re more comfortable with before you start creating your trailer.
- Arrange and Edit
Once you have your program ready, start uploading your assets. Then, arrange your images, video clips, and text to tell your story. You can use this add text to video free software to make sure your text stands out.
Don’t forget to add transitions to improve the video’s flow.
- Spread the Word
Once your video is done, watch it a few times. Does the story flow from one point to the next? If it looks good to go, upload your video to YouTube.
Then, start spreading the word. Share your video on social media and post it on your website to generate a buzz for your new book!
How to Make a Book Trailer: 5 Super Simple Tips for a Self-Published Author
Easy, right? Now that you know how to make a book trailer, grab your assets and get going! With these tips, you can market your new book and start attracting an audience of eager readers.
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