The mobile is already the most used device in Spain to access the internet, used by an overwhelming 97% of Spaniards . That means there are more users who consume content from their phones than from the desktop. And, worldwide, this trend increases every year. Have you already prepared your mobile marketing strategy?
Nomophobia and mobile marketing, what are they related to?
Become familiar with the term because, according to a study by Iowa State University, 77% of the population between 17 and 24 years old in the US. UU. suffers nomophobia.
Nomophobia is the irrational fear of running out of mobile . That anxiety that perhaps you have also felt when you leave home without it, or when you run out of credit, data, coverage or battery.
And according to various studies, the stress caused by nomophobia can become comparable to the one felt the day before the wedding or before a visit to the dentist.
As marketers, it is crucial to understand this role and always keep in mind that our users use their smartphones to make almost every day-to-day decision.
Being on mobile is not enough. If you want to squeeze the possibilities of this channel, you need to learn and apply a series of mobile marketing strategies that will help you achieve more conversions. And I’m here to tell you!
What is mobile marketing or mobile marketing?
There is more and more talk about mobile marketing, but have you ever wondered what exactly mobile marketing is and how far it goes?
Mobile marketing or mobile marketing is a set of actions and techniques of online marketing that are carried out through our smartphones in order to promote a product or service.
A few years ago mobile marketing was a complement to the digital marketing strategy, but today and given the use that potential customers make of it, it has become the center of the digital strategy.
The range of mobile marketing actions is increasingly wide and includes everything from mobile searches, emails with responsive design, responsive web and apps, to mobile ads, coupons, SMS and push notifications, through all the new internet technology of things, like wearables and beacons.
Do you know what percentage of your web traffic comes from mobile? And what percentage of your sales does it suppose?
Depending on the sector in which you are and your product and audience, mobile traffic will have more or less weight. But make no mistake, mobile traffic always has weight.
I give you an example: imagine that you have a business selling headphones and that the average age of your customers is 80 years.
You created a web page years ago, but you haven’t updated it regularly, and now you wonder if it’s worth adapting to mobile and investing in mobile marketing actions. “Total, your audience does not access the internet from your mobile,” you think.
But you are wrong. Your audience is not only the elderly who need the solution, but also their relatives, who investigate what are the best options for that person they care about.
And now the obvious question is: where do relatives look for information? Bingo! They look for it online and, mostly, on mobile.
Having a responsive web well adapted to the mobile is a necessity
In my experience, having a website fully adapted to mobile is no longer an extra, it is mandatory.
Years ago it was necessary to have a website, but now it is essential to have a responsive website that is easily accessible from our smartphones. At least if you want your business to project the right image and sell.
Surely most of your web traffic comes from mobile devices,
right? Maybe you even thought about creating an application (if you don’t
already have one).
You already know that your users are going to consume you from your
mobile. The question is: what implications does that have?
In the first place, it implies that the contents that you believe should be
designed for this type of consumption, which is different from the desktop.
When creating mobile content, whether in an app or a website, there are a number of recommendations that you should keep in mind. Keep reading and do not miss a comma of these mobile marketing tips to keep your users hooked. You will be the sea of useful!
Secret 1: think of mobile first
As we saw in the previous graph, in Spain we are already mobile first. And we are not alone, but we are accompanied by markets such as India, Indonesia, Mexico, Malaysia, Italy and Brazil.
Therefore, the first thing you should ask yourself is how this content will look from your mobile. That is, prioritize mobile content and then adapt it to the web.
The problem is that the way of working in many companies still does not match this trend. In most of the teams, the contents are worked by prioritizing the web and then adapting them to mobile.
However, on computers that are purely mobile first, as in the case of a native app, mobile is thought first and then desktop.
With so many limitations of space from the beginning, the exercise of hierarchy, prioritization and curation of the contents becomes vitally important. And this makes work much easier when it comes to getting that “less is more” than good mobile marketing presumes.
It doesn’t matter if your product or service is not an app. If you want to succeed with your mobile content, you must follow the approach of mobile first teams .
Work each content to adapt perfectly to the small screen and the desktop will be a piece of cake.
Having summed up so well for mobile, the most important information will have been collected and will be easy and quick to consume. In fact, in many cases you choose to leave the same content on desktop.
Does that mean we should make the contents shorter because they are for mobile? Not necessarily. But do not forget that the attention of your readers is very small and you have to get to the point. Keep in mind that more than 37% of mobile sessions last less than a minute .
That implies precision in copywriting : look for the shortest and most effective way to communicate your messages, avoid vague or generic information, and choose simple and direct phrases.
However, you must ensure that the user receives all the information he needs. Depending on the type of product / service and the stage of the buyer’s journey they are in, your users will look for more complete and comprehensive information.
That is what happens, for example, when preparing a trip to anywhere…may be to Capital Smart City or thinking about buying an expensive item. In these cases, the user himself decides to find more information and visits several pages if necessary.
Our job as marketers is to dose the information shown on mobile and guide the user so that he does not lose attention and consume the content according to his needs.
Secret 2: less is more
We are multitasking. Or wait … are we?
As much as we believe that without multitasking our days should have 31 hours, the truth is that real multitasking does not exist.
Understand me: you do it, I do it and we all do it. But our brains have not been created for multitasking.
According to Guy Winch, Ph.D author of Blue world city, “what we really do is change from one task to another very quickly.”
Imagine that your brain had legs and was in a field divided into several plots. Each of the plots are the tasks that we supposedly perform at the same time.
Our brain must run from one place to another in order to successfully change from one task to another.
Now think about the brains of your users, immersed in that exhausting expense of resources we call “multitasking.”
That is why it is always recommended to ask in a form only the data that is really needed. If you force your users to fill in 15 fields during registration, they will most likely be overwhelmed and leave the page.
Another very real possibility is that, in one of those sprints, they forget what they were doing and leave the form half filled.
In both cases, you will have lost the opportunity to get a little closer to that KPI so important for your website or app: the number of records achieved.
Good content always takes into account the context in which it is consumed. And if the context of your users includes multitasking and surely a consumption “on the go” (while traveling, etc.), you should minimize the information and think about what they need. Just then, because his attention is fleeting. And that, neither more nor less, is what you should offer them.
Secret 3: add relevance to your copies
In mobile marketing, as in so many other things in life, the
difficult thing is to make it easy.
In order for your copies to be relevant and offer maximum value to your users,
you should ask yourself these questions for each content you are thinking of
- What do I want to convey?
- Why is it important for my users?
- How much space do I have to communicate it?
- What is the most effective way to achieve it in so little space?
Sometimes the answer is not simply in the copies, but in the audiovisual or interactive elements. Images, graphics, videos and animations can help you translate the message in a way that is easy to understand, relevant and attractive.
Secret 4: exploit the possibilities of the video
Video and content marketing are great friends. But especially in mobile marketing, video is taking on an increasingly important role.
More and more videos are consumed on mobile phones, and, according to a study by Ditrendia Mobile, it is expected that in 2024 the video will reach almost 75% of mobile data traffic .
If you must communicate something complex and you have little screen space, ask yourself: “Would a video solve it better? Do I have resources to record it?” If the answer to both questions is yes, do not hesitate and bet on the video.
A classic example would be that of video tutorials. Preparing a video tutorial that explains the user the steps to follow, you can transform a complicated process into something simple and even fun.
Secret 5: always locate the user
In mobile marketing, contextualization is essential .
Think that, both in a responsive web and an app, mobile sessions are short and usually interrupted. That is why it is essential that the platform is prepared to save the information, even if the user has not previously saved it.
Imagine that you are filling out a 5-field form and they will call you on the phone when you are missing 2. When you return to the web or app, the screen is updated and everything you entered was deleted. This is an epic flaw in terms of user experience.
By not taking into account the possible situations in which the user could find, we are wasting time. However, if you save your users time, they will thank you. In the accelerated times in which we live, offering speed is a safe bet .
On the other hand, the user must always know where he is and how to get there again.
If you are consulting a specific content on a mobile web or app
and you must interrupt this task, you should always know how to find that
content again.
For that to happen, the path to reach content must be intuitive enough. If
the user has reached a point with difficulties and after having tried several
options, it is likely that when he tries to repeat it another day he will not
Hence one of the best practices of UX: clearly
mark in which section or category the user is so that, if necessary, he knows
how to return .
In this image you have a good example of how to keep the user located at all
times. On the first screen we see clearly that we are in the home and, in
the second, that we are in the Scan your engine section.
If we wanted to re-enter, we would be clear where to access this information.
Source: Maciej Dyjak, Dribbble
Secret 6: set a clear CTA on each screen
For each screen you show through the mobile, you have to decide what the CTA or call to action will be . That is, you have to make it clear what is the next step that your users should perform.
To do this you must ask yourself two questions:
- What does the user want to achieve? Why did you get here?
- What do I want to get? What is the objective from the business point of view?
And put all the meat on the grill so that those two interests come together in the fastest and most pleasant way possible in each of the screen flows.
In the case that I show you from Nike, the whole experience is aimed at getting the user to click on the “Add to cart” button.
Source: Dannniel, Dribbble
Establishing a clear flow of calls to action is essential to achieve business objectives and that the user experience is correct. I recommend you go deeper into the topic and keep in mind the keys to a good mobile UX .
Secret 7: don’t forget the indexing app
As marketers, we are familiar with SEO and what it means to index your website for Google robots to read. Is that so?
But what is the indexing app and why is it so important for your content on mobile devices?
The indexing app is nothing more or less than the exercise of facilitating the indexing of the content of your app so that Google robots can read it and can appear in the search results.
At this point, you are probably wondering how you know if an app is indexed.
This is a frequent question that arises in my mobile marketing classes and is often confused with Google advertising. Let’s see how to identify it!
How does the indexing app visually differ from a paid ad (SEM)?
If you search on Google from the mobile “imdb movies”, you will
see an outstanding result of the IMDB app. This is not SEM, it is not a
paid advertisement and the easiest way to be sure of it is that it is not accompanied
by the word “advertisement” in green.
This result is achieved by applying app indexing techniques to an application.
You know that your users visit your website mostly from their smartphone and that 89% of the time they spend on mobile phones are using apps. That is why you should address the contents as mobile marketing experts do.
Think that less is more, prioritize and prioritize the information, consider the context, help yourself with graphic elements and decide what the call to action is unique in each step. There is the key!
If you have found these tips to optimize your mobile content useful and would like to delve deeper into them, do not miss this free masterclass on mobile marketing, mobile strategy and mobile UX. Do you have any doubt? Share it in the comments section!