Virtual reality, also known as VR is the hottest fad. Youngsters these days believe that it is the thing of their era. What they don’t know is that the concept has been around for a while now. It has been a recurring topic in the sci-fi world, be it print or movies. The craze grew in the 90s with the introduction of the Nintendo Virtual Boy which did not succeed at that time and the concept lost its charm. To read their reviews, check out the holy tech.
Recently, the VR made its comeback with better headsets and improved gear. Though it did find its ground in the gaming and entertainment industries, it has now spread its branches towards other sectors. Industries like, real estate, architecture, engineering, education, urban design, and even archeology are making great progress by using it for their growth.
If you have recently interacted with the latest VR technology, you will certainly understand its potential. It is a powerful advancement that has moved beyond the gaming and entertainment fields. With its ultimate power of immersion, it has opened doors to a lifestyle. Anywhere you look, you will see some form of VR executing itself. In the gaming world, games like Pokémon Go and Oculus Rift utilize Virtual Reality to present their users with ultimate gaming experience. It is also great for analyzing real estate properties that you are planning to purchase. Instructors around the world are relying on it to conduct realistic training sessions for their students to help them gain experience before facing real-life situations. Today we are going to discuss how Virtual Reality is revolutionizing the computer industry.
Virtual Reality and Computers
Earlier, we were used to different PCs. Ones that relied on big and bulky hardware with a storage capacity that will be laughing stock now. With the passage of time, PCs have become more compact and sleek with decent memory space. Then came laptops. They presented a portable solution to the traditional PC-ing of that time. Soon mobile phones became smartphones and tablets became the go-to for computing. Now with the rise of VR, we are introduced to an entirely different concept of computers.
In the computer industry, Virtual Reality has introduced the “virtual personal computing “ experience. Normally, to interact with a computer, we input our commands through a mouse or keyboard. But the concept of virtual personal computing entirely revolves around Virtual Reality or it’s distant relative Augmented Reality.
The experience is solely dependent upon the headset or the special goggles you are supposed to wear. It will project an overlay of computer graphics around you where you can communicate via voice commands, hand gestures, or a keyboard projection that only you can see.
Examples of Virtual Reality in the Computer Industry
Some examples of this kind of computing include Microsoft HoloLens or Intel’s Project Alloy. The basic idea here is to ditch the computer hardware altogether. It also aims at eliminating the need to carry a laptop or a tablet on you. Who needs them when your glasses alone can virtually provide you with a complete PC experience. Just put on your gear and a virtual mouse and keyboard will appear in front of you. You can easily use this for data entry, documentation, emailing or any other computer-related tasks you might have.
Evolution of Virtual Reality Gear
While we are discussing how Virtual Reality is revolutionizing the computer industry, we should also note how VR itself has evolved over the passage of time. Initially, VR headsets needed to be tethered with a powerful display unit while the processing hardware that generated graphics was encased within the headset. Now, the trend is moving towards becoming untethered. An excellent example is the Oculus Rift itself. The initial headsets required a connection with a powerful computer. But the latest version introduced this year is a self-contained device that gives its users more mobility and freedom.
The virtual worlds these gadgets create have also become more realistic. The earlier models projected low-resolution computer-generated polygons. But by employing more powerful processors, the gear available to us in 2024 has moved exceptionally close to reality promising the most immersive experience yet.
Today, the most anticipated VR gear is perhaps Apple’s upcoming 8K combined AR/VR glasses. With this gadget, Apple hopes to change the mainstream VR game with a high-quality yet affordable device. Just as it did with the iPhone. This gear promises a truly mobile VR experience without tethering to any computer or smartphone.
Bottom line
To many of us, using an everyday object like a computer in Virtual Reality is a queer prospect. However, the young generation might find it useful as they have shown a strong inclination towards the new and seemingly strange technologies. And if they do find some value in it, who knows, virtual PCs might be how the next generation is introduced to computers.