PayPal is a secure payment platform so you have to enter your bank details in each online store where you want to buy. Discover what PayPal is, how it works, how to create an account and use it in this simple tutorial.
First of all … What is PayPal?
Many users, when making their payments via the web, will have found the PayPal logo next to the credit cards. What is Paypal?
Long ago there was a perception that making payments over the Internet was too insecure. Although today, this idea is still present in the minds of some users, PayPal is born to eradicate these fears and create an easy and secure way to pay and receive payments online without sharing financial information.
This bank information or financial information will be safe thanks to an automatic encryption system and advanced anti-fraud systems that the company is constantly updating.
Create your PayPal account
PayPal is a virtual wallet that you can use to make your payments over the Internet without entering your bank details on each platform. PayPal will store this data securely.
Create a PayPal account is very simple: you just have to go to their website and choose “Create an account ” in the private column.
Then you will have to register in PayPal by filling out the form that appears in the image above. Accept the terms and click ” Accept and create account ” to continue.
You will have to enter the code shown in the image and click on ” Continue “.
Choose the payment method
Then, you will see the option to pay with your bank account or with your card. Choose the one that suits you best.
Enter your information
Once we have chosen our payment method, we will have to fill in the information that PayPal asks us.
In this case, we have chosen to pay through our bank account. Therefore, we will enter our bank details, having the certainty that PayPal will store them securely.
This will be the only time we have to enter our data in PayPal and we can buy online without revealing this data, simply by accessing your Pay Pal account.
Once you have entered the information, a window will appear to confirm the use of PayPal in your bank account.
When you click on ” Accept “, you will see a PayPal notice explaining the process to validate your PayPal account
PayPal will make small transfers to your bank account and, when you check the statement, you will have to enter the exact amount to confirm that you are the account holder.
If you prefer, you can choose to link your debit or credit card to PayPal and start shopping immediately.
You will have to select your card and enter your information. Then, click on “Continue “to link your card.
Verify your account
To verify your account you will have to wait a few days and, once you have PayPal transfers in your account, enter the amount.
To do this you will have to log in to your PayPal account and select ” Confirm bank account ” in the right column.
Once you have clicked on the link, you will have the possibility to enter the amounts that PayPal has deposited in your account and, thus, verify it.
Once we click on ” Send ” a confirmation screen will appear and we will know that our account is already verified.
Start shopping
Once you have your PayPal account verified, you can start paying on a multitude of web pages (most give the option to purchase through this system). We just need to know how Paypal works.
Once you select PayPal, the page will open for you to log in and confirm the order. The order also appears in the left column.
And now that you know how to set up and use PayPal, you can use your new account to buy discounted gadgets at stores like GearBest and Amazon.