When you are trying to purchase a curling wand, you will come across numerous options. This can deliver a somewhat overwhelming experience to you as well. That’s because you have numerous options to consider and you will not have a clear understanding on what is the exact option that you should get. The exact option you purchase would contribute a lot towards the positive results that you can receive out of your curling wand as well.
Here are some useful tips that you will be able to keep in your mind when you are trying to purchase the best curling wand available out there.
Pick the right sized barrel
The very first thing you should do when you are purchasing a curling wand is to go ahead and get the right sized barrel. There are numerous barrel sizes available out there. However, the right barrel size is capable of delivering the positive results that you would be interested in getting.
It is important to understand that the barrel size of the curling wand would vary depending on the good looks that you wish to receive out of your curling wand at the end of the day. Hence, you need to go through a proper guide and understand how to do it.
For example, if you want to get beach waves or loose curls on your hair, you should think about purchasing a curling wand that offers a barrel size of one to two inches. But if you wish to receive tighter and smaller ringlets, you should think about getting an iron that is offering a thickness of around 0.75 inches to one inch. Barrel size is clearly mentioned in the curling wands that are available for sale out there in the market. You just need to take a look at them and go ahead with the purchase accordingly. Then you can receive all the amazing returns that come on your way with the perfectly sized curling wand.
Never ignore the heat setting
Along with the size of your curling wand, you will also need to take a look at the heat setting. You need to make sure that you are picking the perfect heat setting at all times.
It is a good idea to purchase a curling wand that offers a variable heat setting. Then you will be able to take better control over your hair as per the needs. Your needs would vary along with time and you will be able to overcome the frustration associated with your changing needs by having a curling wand that offers variable heat settings. That’s because you just need to adjust the heat according to the preferences that you have to get out of the curling wand.
If your hair is fragile or fine, you should think about using a low heat setting with the curling wand. Otherwise, you will cause more damages to the hair. Even if you have color treated hair, you should be mindful about this. But if you are having coarse, curly, and thick hair, you will be able to go for higher heat setting. In fact, you will notice that the low heat settings are no longer capable of delivering the positive results that you wish to get. In here, you will be able to curl your hair with a temperature of around 200 to 300 degrees. However, make sure that you are not going beyond 400 degrees under any circumstance, even if it is allowed with your curling wand. That’s because curling your hair at such high temperatures is never recommended.
Understand what the curling wand is made out of
You should also understand what the curling wand is made out of. This can help you to ensure that you are making the right choice with your purchase. This is one of the secrets, which will help you to get a better understanding on how to curl your hair as a professional. You will need to take good care of your curling wand and make sure that you understand the different sizes, shapes, and materials it has. Then you can get the best suited curling wand available in the market for you. On the other hand, you will be able to use it and receive outstanding results while trying to take good care of your hair.
Most of the curling wands that you can find in the market are made out of ceramic and tourmaline. This will usually be the very first choice that professionals would love to purchase. On the other hand, it can deliver the healthiest results to your hair as well. That’s because the ceramic curling wands are in a position to disperse heat perfectly well. On the other hand, you will be able to overcome the negative ions that would result when you are trying to create the curs in your hair with the help of the curling wand.
There are curling wands that are made out of gold and titanium as well. They are excellent heat conductors available for purchasing. However, it is also important to keep in mind that these irons are not in a position to deliver the bet level of protection that you are expecting to receive to refrain from frizz.
Final words
Make sure that you understand your requirements and then look for a curling wand to buy from the market accordingly. Then you will be able to end up with buying the best curling wand that is available in the market. It will be able to offer the protection you want and help you to overcome the struggles that you have to face while trying to get the curls. Also make sure that you go for a reputed brand at the time of getting your curling wand, so that you can secure outstanding results.