Choosing The Perfect Memory Mattress For Your RV


It is not a secret that many RV companies seem pleased to create sleeping quarters inside the mobile home that actually feel like they’re made from bricks. Because of this, many RV owners find themselves searching for a replacement mattress that can provide them with a good night’s sleep. That said, a memory foam mattress for RV is usually the most suitable option for the majority of owners. Not to mention, these RV mattresses are inexpensive, lightweight, and only occupy minimal space inside the mobile home.

If you’re planning to purchase a memory foam mattress for RV, then there are several things that you need to consider before purchasing one. Here are the factors to consider:

1. Determine the size of the RV mattress

While the most common mattress size in RV bedrooms is a Short Queen, it is advisable not to assume or conclude that it is the size for your RV. The Short Queen has an overall width of 60″ but it is quite shorter than a standard Queen sized bed.

It is highly recommended to check if you have a full-length mattress size in your RV or not. While doing so, you might also want to measure your RVs mattress frame, as mattresses have the tendency to expand or contract over time.

2. Make sure to consider the thickness of the mattress

As a rule of thumb, don’t forget to check for any height restrictions from your mattress frame to your RV’s bedroom ceiling. Does your RV have an elevated space above the bed? This is a good factor to consider when identifying the most appropriate diameter of your RV mattress.

Avoid getting a super thick mattress, especially if it’s going to cause you to hit your head against the ceiling of your RV. For example, an 8-inch memory foam mattress may have 2 to 3 inches of the memory foam layer, and a 12-inch mattress may also have just a 3-inch layer of memory foam.

3. Be keen with the material

One of the most important factors that you need to be mindful of when buying a mattress for your RV is the material. This is in connection with the fact that some mattresses may have produce unwanted smell and off-gassing.

So before purchasing one, you can familiarize yourself with these common mattresses:

  • Innerspring

  • Memory Foam

  • Latex Mattresses

  • Air mattresses

  • Hybrid

4. Never forget the quality of the mattress

It can be quite tempting to conclude that the more you pay, the more quality you’ll get. However, buying an expensive mattress won’t guarantee your comfort. That is why it is essential to ensure that the mattress’s price, quality, and convenience will match your RV bedroom’s overall style and structure.

Remember that your mattress should be perfect for you and your mobile home. Therefore, pick a memory foam mattress that totally meets your expectations. When searching for a quality mattress, it would be better to let personal preference be your guide rather than the cost.