When a surrogate mother enters a cooperation with a childless couple, she may be worried about how the procedure will affect the development of her own family. The birth of a biological baby after the programme is not uncommon. Therefore, for this woman, planning her family’s future is an important factor at the very beginning of the process.
At Feskov Human Reproduction, you can get detailed advice on surrogacy programmes a guaranteed result of a healthy baby coming into the world. Like the intended parents, our surrogate mothers are not left without support at any stage of the surrogate journey.
Is it possible to get pregnant again after the process?
Of course. Many of the surrogate mothers participate for the second time in the program for the same family or for other people, and they also get pregnant and give birth to their own baby safely. Surrogate and normal pregnancies are very different. But the main differences are the support that a pregnant woman receives from the clinic and the fact that she does not own the baby she is carrying. But despite these differences, their physical influence is similar. The ability to become pregnant and give birth does not change from the fact that the woman was in this role.
However, for the surrogate, it is very important to reconsider and weigh all available plans for developing her own family. Because surrogate motherhood is at least a one-year commitment. Talking to a doctor is a good first step. For example, if a mother is already at an age when it is more difficult to get conceived naturally, the doctor can explain whether it is safe to have a child after the procedure. The specialist will also inform you about the potential risks of surrogacy if you want to get pregnant again after the program. At the same time, it is important to know whether the reproduction of the partner is all right.
The path of each such mother is unique. And the attending doctor is the best friend to answer questions about the individual characteristics of the body and how they can affect future pregnancy. Let us look at the threats posed by substitution pregnancy.
Surrogate motherhood risks
There are potential complications associated with this type of pregnancy:
- Of a medical nature.
- Of a psychological nature.
Surrogate pregnancies carry the same risks as natural pregnancies – from morning sickness and discomfort in the back to more severe problems like gestational diabetes or hypertension. The risks of a medical nature that arise in the course of the action are usually minor:
- bruising from injections or a slight allergy to hormonal drugs during IVF;
- slight bleeding or spasms during embryo transfer, etc.
The most significant complication is multiple pregnancies with twins or triplets. This is not necessarily a risk in itself, but carrying multiple fetuses is more likely to result in premature birth, placental detachment or a C-section delivery. And a C-section operation can take more time to recover before attempting to become pregnant naturally. Other complications may also affect the doctor’s response about the safety of conception of another baby.
Protecting the life and health of the woman who carries the child and those of the child is our top priority, so our specialists are always on the side of the pregnant woman in any circumstances that arise.
Emotional risk is related to whether or not the woman who carries the baby will have an attachment to him. Will it be difficult for her to return the baby to the intended parents? The reality is that most surrogates do not even think about it. Usually, candidates are prepared psychologically and perceive the process as an act of doing a job and helping others. This clear intention avoids worrying about possible attachment. Psychological support on this or any other issue can be obtained at any time from our psychologist. This point is also important when planning the surrogate mother’s future family.
Do you need to inform the clinic that you plan a normal pregnancy after the programme?
Of course, it would be better if the specialists and supervisors at the clinic were aware of the surrogate mother’s future plans. This is necessary to ensure the best possible support and care throughout the entire process. Being aware of the goal of having a biological child after the programme enables us to provide the specific support that will be needed at any stage of substitution motherhood.
In addition, this factor is taken into account in the selection process of prospective parents. As some couples want to have a brother or sister for their first baby born from this woman. In this case, the surrogate’s plans to have a biological child after the programme may interfere. And we will have to look for another candidate for this role. Therefore, it is better to keep the clinic informed about future plans in order to ensure the most efficient interaction of all participants in the event.
Guaranteed programmes of Feskov Human Reproduction are only available at strictly fixedprices, with no extra fees. This includes the full range of reproductive services, guest and legal services to ensure maximum comfort during the process.