TikTok Filters: How to Create Effects on TikTok with Effector

TikTok Filters

If you are using TikTok, you will have realized how important filters are in videos. These are used to tell stories of all kinds and make videos much more interesting. So let’s see what they are and how to create the effects on TikTok.

When I speak of effects, I am not referring to the filters that can be applied but real masks that add virtual elements to what the camera sees. Or maybe they go to modify (for the better but also for, the worse) the framed faces.

In this guide, I’m going to show you what they are and how to create filters on TikTok using the specific Effect Creator program.

What are the effects and how to use them?

You will surely have already seen this type of effect on Snapchat and Instagram.

By going to record a new video, you can select the effects by clicking on the smiley face at the bottom left. You can browse the effects divided by category, and save your favorites for future use.

Why create filters for TikTok?

You will be able to create filters and share them with all users of the platform. But why do this?

To entice users to create new effects, TikTok offers advantages to the “Effector” or those who will create and publish the effects.

Some advantages of an Effector are:

  • Obtain verification as Effector
  • Access to particular marketing campaigns, to reach millions of followers
  • Award-winning and collaboration with brands.

How to create effects on TikTok

If, with this brief introduction, you have convinced yourself to become an Effector, follow the steps.

What is the TikTok effect creator?

TikTok provides a totally free development environment, from which you can go to create personalized effects.

You can download it on both macOS and Windows. Once installed, you can start using it without registering. The graphical interface is simple and intuitive; click on create a project to start.

Only adding filters on your photos is not enough; you should have massive fan following who see your posts. If you are struggling in this area, get TikTok comments and fans and enjoy stardom.

This is the interface that appears when you create an egg project. By accepting permission to access the camera (if available), you can develop the filter by testing it on yourself. Alternatively, you can use default photos like the one you see in the image above.

  1. To start, click on Add at the top left and select the type of effect you want to create. There are various effects, from the banal distortion of the face to the color of the hair, the mirror, etc.
  2. Depending on the type of effect you add, you can make local changes, adjust the effect, and the intensity that it will have.
  3. Once you’ve created what your effect design is, you can go set up events. The events will allow you to control the duration of the effect over time or the actions that the person must carry out to activate/deactivate the effect (such as blinking).
  4. Once you have adjusted all the settings, you can go to the approval phase by clicking on upload at the top right.


At this point, you will have to enter your phone number to log in to TikTok. You can then start the approval process.