Positive thinking is a state of attitude which pushes you to expect positive and the individuals desired results. The Power of positivity can help an individual create and transform energy into reality.
A positive mindset can help an individual seek health, happiness and a happy outcomes regardless of the many situations life gives us.
Successful people across the world have recognised positivity as a key factor to their success. Power of positivity can help change an individuals personal and professional wellbeing.
We often blame others for our own failures and downfalls. Often we think that to others contribute to our own downfalls. If failures and downfalls occur an individual should make a personal assessment and scrutinise of the issue. Often it is our mind that controls what we do and how we react to people and situations.
3 simple ways to increase positive thinking:
1. Meditation
Meditation can improve a vast range of willpower skills, these involve attention, stress management, self-awareness, impulsive control and focus. All of improvements can help clear your head and increase positive thinking experiences.
2. Writing
Writing down positive thoughts helps an individual to train their brain to think more positively. It’s like training a muscle: the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. The more you write affirmations down, the more you observe positive things in your life and that way you’ll become more happier person.
3. Relax and switch off
Everyone throughout life will experience down moments and stressful periods. It’s important to switch off and relax, clear your head and attack the next day. Take a week off work, try something new or something you know you will enjoy.
Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are statements or phrases that an individual can repeat to themselves, which describe a definitive outcome. At first, affirmations could be farfetched and resemble a dream, however, with constant repetition, subconsciously you’ll begin to believe in the affirmation and eventually, these affirmations will become your reality.
A few examples of positive affirmations:
– I know, accept and am true to myself.
– I believe in, trust and have confidence in myself.
– I eat well, exercise regularly and get plenty of rest to enjoy good health.
– I learn from my mistakes.
– I know I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
– I forgive myself for not being perfect because I know I’m human.
– I never give up.
– I am a unique and worthy person.
– I respect myself.
– I accept what I cannot change.
– I make the best of every situation.
– I look for humour and fun in as many situations as possible.
– I enjoy life to the fullest.
– I focus on the positive.
Positive affirmative thoughts will make an individual smile, including those you interact with and encounter every day.
To understand more about this topic, read some articles on the blog about affirmations: Positive Creators
Below are scientific studies that demonstrate the power and benefits of positive thinking:
1. Positive thinking decreases anxiety
Scientists and researchers from Kings College University tested 102 individuals who had been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. The individuals most common symptom involves excessive worrying. The individuals were told to replace the things making them panic and worry with positive outcomes for one week. The main outcome from the tests was that the individuals showed reductions in their anxiety.
2. Positive thinking brings happiness, happiness can result in success
In todays modern society, being successful means accomplishing things that are valued. It means you flourish in terms of the goals set forth by your society – these could be having lots of money, buying an exclusive house or car. The main question in this study is whether happy people are more successful? A doctor called Dr. Lyubomirsky, researcher from UC Riverside, concluded that positive people tend to feel optimistic and confident.
3. Less stress, more positive thoughts
Dr. Segerstrom, University of Kentucky undertook research about the effects of stress on an individuals health. The group analysed over 500 different studies of the effects of stress on individuals. The outcome was that short-term stress can strengthen an individuals immune system. When an individual faces a much greater stressful situation, adrenaline floods throughout the body and it boosts the immune system and helps them to deal with the stress. However, if people continue to stress about an event, it can however lead to illness.
4. Positive thinking leads to longer life
A lot of factors can lead to long life like gender, diet, lifestyle, heredity and many more factors. A group of researchers from the University of Kentucky inspected autobiographies written in 1930 by a group of nuns. The group of nuns all lived together at the same convent. The researchers rated the nuns autobiographies on a between 1-10, 10 being positive and 1 being negative. scale of positivity, 1-10, 10 being the ‘most positive’. 80 years later, researchers contacted the surviving nuns, aged now between 80 and 90. The nuns who scored 8 – 9 on the spectrum of positive thoughts tended to be the longest living survivors.
Concluding positive thinking, an individuals mind can affect their behaviour and ones mood. Positive thinking plays an important role in our and everyones life.
Mentioned above, the idea of positive thinking is complex and involves many different factors. It involves changing ones thoughts and perceptions so that any problem or negative situation can be accepted and altered in to a kind of benefit or incentive for life, for fight for new actions.
The methods and ideas behind positive thinking are now used in many spheres of life, at work or at home, while communicating with colleagues at work, or resolving family conflict situations. If you think positively, it can change your life for the better,