California state officials announced the latest figure of COVID-19. According to the report of The California Department of Public Health, the total confirmed cases are now at 78,839. The report also conveyed that total death due to COVID-19 till May 17 was 3,261. The public health department also announced that they are working to expanding their capability of COVID-19 testing. They further stated that the testing should be done to people who have symptoms of coronavirus. Every Hospitalized patient will be given the highest priority in testing. After that, they have decided to prioritize in testing to Symptomatic and asymptomatic healthcare workers, first responders, and other social service employees.
The data shows individuals whose age is more than 65 or older are the most vulnerable age group. Hence, after healthcare workers, first responders, and other social service employees, they had decided to give priority to these people especially who have chronic medical conditions that increase the risk of severe COVID-19 illness. According to the California Department of Public Health, total 1,235,243 tests have been conducted in California. That means they have made more than 50,000 testings per day. However, these testing numbers also include data from private, commercial and academic labs.
The California Department of Public Health also announced launching a new data portal of COVID-19 cases. The portal will show state-wise detailed data. These data also illustrate the present condition based on age, ethnicity and gender. The portal also includes data of statewide hospitalizations and testing efforts. They also announced that the portal will be updated daily. Furthermore, additional information will be uploaded based on availability.
The California Department of Public Health has decided to collect more ethnic and racial data that will offer more insights and will help in determining effective future actions. The public health officials also want to see which groups of people are more vulnerable to the virus of COVID-19.
Reported by Andoverleader