Australia system
Between the application forms, visa procedures and long flight to cross the whole world; Planning a study trip to Australia can be exhausting. Not to mention the apprehension generated by not knowing what kind of academic experience awaits you when you get off the plane.Australia’s higher education sector is made up of technical colleges and universities, offering technical, undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Institutions must be registered with a government body to enroll international students. Are you planning to study in Australia, but don’t know where to start? We hope that our breakdown of the Australian education system will help you clarify all your doubts.
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the online education system has been adopted throughout the world. Like other countries, Australian government in Queensland started managed internet service for the students of Queensland state only. The system of education is miswebmail. This system provides quality education in the form of videos lectures, online assignments, etc free of cost.
In addition to awarding undergraduate and graduate degrees, there are a number of institutions that offer vocational education programs. They are called “colleges” or TAFE: Technical Education, and have different entry requirements from those required by universities. The programs they teach are generally employment-based or can act as an introduction to a higher degree. It is advisable to review the entry requirements on the websites of each institution.
The academic period in Australian universities is divided into 2 “sessions”. The year begins in late February / early March with the fall session, which continues until the midterm break in April. This break can be from a few days to 2 weeks. Mid-year exams are held around June / July for a month. The second session begins in July / August, with a mid-term break in September / October. The November-December period is made up of year-end exams and Christmas holidays.
Run length
While many universities offer degrees that focus on a particular area and vary in the time it takes to obtain them, generally in Australia a bachelor’s degree requires 3 years of study, with the option of doing a fourth year called “honors” if required. they have the necessary academic merits. In this case, the student watches a series of courses and must complete a research-based thesis. Honors is counted as part of your bachelor’s degree, and included as part of the qualifying degree: For example, Bachelor of Science (with Honors). The size of the thesis varies according to each faculty and institution, but is generally between 10,000 and 15,000 words.
Bachelor’s degrees in specific study areas can sometimes take longer to complete, and have different minoring and specialization options. Most colleges have online manuals with information about a specific course.Master’s degrees, either ordinary or research, last between one and two years.
Bachelor’s degrees
Typically, a Bachelor’s degree in Australia is a three-year study in a general area, within which students choose a specific area to focus called “major” that requires a certain quota of subjects to complete the qualification. It is also possible to view a smaller number of subjects, to receive a title called “minor”. An example of a general undergraduate degree would be a Bachelor of Arts (BA), with a “major” in Psychology and a “minor” in Linguistics.
Double degree and concurrent programs
Many universities also offer dual degree programs, in which students are able to undertake the units of two different undergraduate courses at the same time. As a result, double degrees are much more than a standard undergraduate study.
Concurrent study programs, such as diplomas and certificates, are also offered by some institutions; and they provide students with the opportunity to supplement their major studies with a course in another area. You need to meet the credit requirements for both qualifications, which means studying for a longer period of time.
Students are expected to be aware of the requirements of both programs, and to take the initiative in selecting courses with the relevant credit levels to comply with all requirements.
Academic culture
Australian universities expect students to take the lead, and focus on independent learning. Attendance at conferences is not mandatory, and even tutorials can sometimes be optional. However, each student is supposed to show an interest in attending and the teachers expect maturity on their part. On the other hand, laboratory-based practical units do include strict attendance standards.
Failure to turn in a work on time is penalized with up to 10% of the grade, and if after a mid-term cut off your grade is below average, it will be automatically postponed. Tutors will not chase you into submitting assignments, but they may give you the option of submitting some for pass or fail. Courses in arts disciplines are generally research-based. And their assessment often focuses on a few long pieces of work rather than intermittent quizzes and tests.
Plagiarism is considered a serious academic crime, the consequences of which can range from missing an assessment to expulsion from the university. It is important to familiarize yourself with the procedures of each faculty before submitting each work.