Stretching and framing of paint by numbers

There are some paint by number kits which don’t require stretch when making the custom pet portraits. The following are what you need to know in form of question and answers:

Is it necessary to stretch the canvas? And if so, should it be done before or after painting?

It is all upon you as you cannot really go wrong but it is not recommended that you stretch your canvas if you are a first timer or a beginner. But, if you want to stretch your canvas, it is recommended that it should be done before painting.

How do you stretch a canvas for a paint by numbers?

Paint by number kits stretching can be somehow difficult than having to stretch a normal canvas as you will need to line up the border of the canvas with the frame for DIY. It might take some few tries but it is possible to do it. You can check online for guides on how to do it how to stretch and ensure to frame a canvas.

What benefits are there when you stretch a paint by number canvas?

Having to stretch the canvas ensures that the canvas becomes more portable. It is recommended if you happen to have an easel and you would wish to take the kit outside so that you paint. You can decide to do the paint on the beach as it is known to be quite relaxing.

What are the detriments that comes with stretching a canvas for paint by numbers?

When you stretch a canvas for paint by numbers, it takes a lot of patient to do so. It might also be tough stretching it very tautly if you don’t have the proper tools, so you might find it easier painting with a surface that is hard and flat behind a canvas that is not stretched as a backing.

Where is the best place to do the painting – on an easel or a table?

Spending several hours painting using an easel might hurt your arms and neck. Painting for several hours on a surface which is flat makes the neck sore. You can decide to switch between the two so that you ease the soreness.  The following are some of the options to go for:

  • Easy: Do the laying of your canvas on a surface which is flat and taped securely utilizing a masking tape. It might be the simplest and pleasant way of painting. It also tends to be easy picking up and moving to a different space.
  • Medium: Tape, then tack, or use the binder clip to your canvas to a certain piece of cardboard or foam board. It is a method which gives you hard and strong back of your canvas, making your project to be portable. You can as well put your canvas on a surface which is flat or use an easel to stand it up.
  • Difficult: Stretching your canvas is known to be the most difficult. With that, you will make your canvas to be less portable and you will not have the hard backing which what normally make the canvas paining to be more challenging.