Malik Riaz Husain, who is a Pakistani Business Tycoon, is the 7th richest man in Pakistan. He is the founder of Bahria Town – the largest privately held real estate company in Asia. He is famous for his buying power.
Apart from his business, he is also a renowned philanthropist as he contributed to several charitable works in his country. It is also known that he gifted luxurious cars and mansions to many individuals, including journalists, politicians even to generals.
Early Life:
Malik Riaz was born on February 8, 1954, in Sialkot, Pakistan. It is known that the family he born went bankrupt during his adolescence. He started his work as a clerk with a construction company in Rawalpindi. In the 1980s, Riaz became a contractor. He got to learn all the ins and outs of construction business during his clerkship period. In 1995, he opened his own construction company known as “ Hussain Global.” After that, his company signed an agreement with Bahria foundation in the same year to build a gated community in Pakistan Navy.
Business :
Malik Riaz was ambitious in developing his company, thus he expanded his business under the brand name “ Bahria Town.” After this, Malik Riaz focused on his liberal business practices. He used to hire a lot of female employees as he found them hard-working and diligent.
Bahria Town expanded in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Muree, and Karachi. In 2000, the Bahria sector is considered as the biggest private sector in Asia. There are nearly 6,000 employees in that sector. Malik Riaz ended his term with Ahlat Ziar, who used to be one of his business partners. The Total Asset of Riaz is valued over US$800 million, founded with the difference between purchase and sales of land.
About Bahria Town:
Bahria Town established the first gated community in Southern Rawalpindi on Grand Trunk Road in the mid-2000s. He had expanded into nine Phases divided into two compounds. Its second gated community expanded in Sothern Lahore, which is largely influenced by Greco-Roam Culture. In 2013, Malik Riaz launched The Bahria Town Karachi, which is the largest of its gated community. The Karachi Sector is also the largest privately-owned residential community in the country. The residential project holds the capacity to shelter over a million people.
Ongoing Projects Of Bahria Town:
Malik Riaz runs several different projects in his company, including Baharia Town Majid, Community welfare Town, and Bahamian Town Nawabshaah. He believes that hard work and strong determination can put his business into a significant height. In the last couple of years, he has achieved a significant position in business, which makes him a global business tycoon.
To conclude, Malik Riaz Hussain is known as the largest private property developer in Asia, which is hard work and a higher level of professionalism. He developed his business with unique marketing techniques throughout his career, which can be a great source of inspiration for all entrepreneurs around the world.