One of the favorite appetizers of the Bulgarians is the Lukanka. Traditional Bulgarian dry sausage, typical for the region. The lukanka is a raw, flat and pressed meat product. Its color varies from red to brown, and the top is covered with white noble mold. The inside of the lukanka has a characteristic mosaic structure, which was formed due to small pieces of meat and fat.
Most often, the Bulgarian lukanka is made from a mixture of beef and pork, but let’s not forget the spices (salt, pepper, and cumin), stuffing it all into the beef gut. There are also options that are only veal or pork. The very process of drying and ripening the onion takes from 20 days, up to a maximum of 30. All this is done under strictly controlled temperature and humidity.
The lukanka is pressed 2 to 5 times in the drying process. The first pressing takes place between the 6th and 8th days, lasting between 12-24 hours.
Of course, as with the food traditions, so with the luscious has its own peculiarities in the different regions. There are several known regions in Bulgaria that produce large quantities of lukankas. Karlovo, Panagyurishte and Smyadovo – you will find really perfect delicacies here! We will issue you a secret – the “Karlovka Lukanka” is inscribed as a designation of origin in the Bulgarian Patent Office.
The main species, as mentioned above, are several – Smyadovska, Panagyurska, and Karlovska. For your convenience, we will give you a quick overview, with the idea of buying more familiar with what you are about to consume.
Smyadovka Lukanka is one of the oldest in the Bulgarian lands and, of course, very preferred. It is characteristic that it uses the meat of a special breed of pigs and spices garlic, and cardamom (except traditional black pepper). The ratio of pork to veal is most often 70:30, which determines both its character and taste.
Next is the Pangyur Lukanka, which is one of the few in which veal is more than pork, at a ratio of 60:40. The characteristic spices that you will feel in it are cumin and pepper.
Last but not least is the Karlovka Lukanka, which is protected by the patent office. The traditional recipe includes 70% pork and 30% veal, and the spices are sweet pepper, cumin, and pepper.
In order not to be confused, we will make an explanation. There is a difference between “lukanka” and “sudjuk”, which is basically in form. In “sudjuk” the shape is a horseshoe, so you can easily distinguish the two products. Other distinctive differences are that in sudjuk the most commonly used pig intestines are for their shell. Another characteristic of the sujuk is that it is dominated by veal and its taste is less saturated with spices. You already know how to choose the right delicacies to put on the table!
In addition to appetizers, in Bulgarian cuisine, onion is also known as a substitute for cooked meat.
There is always a time when you have no idea what to cook, but to the rescue comes the frenzy! You can put it on a plate, along with egg, cheese and whatever you like. Another option is to make sandwiches where you can break the egg in a bowl and then add the finely chopped lukanka to it – put the slices and bake in the oven. Fast, easy and delicious. The next favorite dish of many is pizza, which always has room for experimentation – especially for a delicious lukanka!
You get the best taste directly from the Bulgarian lands!