How to cancel your timeshare contract?

Timeshare contracts will not be advantages at all times. There will be several disadvantages that make you cancel the contract. If you have no idea how to sell a timeshare, you can try canceling it on your own through the following steps.


Act quickly


If you have purchased a timeshare contract from a timeshare developer, you will get some thoughts to cancel it. Similar to the replacement period given for the online orders that do not satisfy you, timeshare companies will also provide an option to end the contract when you do not like it after purchasing. There will be a time allocation indication in your contract allowing you to change your mind. If you decide to cancel the contract within this timing, you can cancel it without any hassles. Once the cancellation period expires, it will be tedious to do so. You could not even sell or rent your timeshares also. Hence, it is necessary to act quickly and tell the company about the cancellation of your contract within the period. According to the state laws, the timeshare company should accept the request for cancellation if it is done within this cancellation period. So, if you have second thoughts on your purchase, you should act quickly.



Create a cancellation letter


You need not provide a written request either in paper or as a document to claim your cancellation of the contract. But it is advisable to write in a letter form to make the company take the necessary steps at once. Your cancellation letter should contain all the necessary information about yourself and the contract. Some of the inclusions of a timeshare cancellation letter are as follows,


  • It should have your name as it is written on the contract
  • It should contain your contact details, such as an address, phone number, and email address
  • The letter should include the name of the company from which you need relief from the contract
  • It should describe the type of timeshare through the description
  • It must tell the date and time of the real-time purchase of the contract
  • Finally, it should contain your statement of cancellation, along with the mentioning of the fact that you are writing to them within the cancellation period


Delivering the cancellation letter


Your job is not done until you deliver the cancellation letter to the timeshare management. If you have a look at your contract, you will notice a guide to deliver the cancellation letter to the management. Either they will ask you to go and present the letter in person or they will ask you to send the letter via official mail. You should do only what is mentioned in the contract. If there are any deviations in the manner of delivery or any mistakes in the letter, your request will not be valid and you should do everything from the beginning. You should make sure that the cancellation letter reaches the management within the cancellation period. Else, your request will be rejected.