Many people still love to read books, generally, the trend of book reading is declining because of the increasing use of the mobile phones. The new generation loves to spend most of their time on the social media platforms or play mobile games. This increasing screen time of the kids is bad for their health as well. Therefore, parents should encourage their children to read books instead of using mobile phones. Preferably you should read printed books but if you don’t have money to buy books, you can find plenty of books Fiction We are going to discuss some important benefits of the book reading and why everyone should spend some of their time reading books.
Book reading makes you more empathetic
If you love to read the literary fiction, this would help you become more empathetic because you learn to understand the situations faced by people. When you are reading books, you try to analyze different characters and the situations faced by these characters. The ability to understand the mental situations of others help you become empathetic. There are some books where the characters are unpredictable, you face problems to understand them and still manage to know more about them at the end of the book, so dealing with the complex characters in the books would help you improve your social relationships as well.
Reading also boosts your creativity
Reading books also boosts your creativity. You also learn to accept the point of view of others due to reading and become flexible. The decision-making abilities of the person are also polished due to the book reading culture. If your kids are reading fiction, they would come across new ideas and think out of the box because they are reading about an imaginative world in their books. The mind becomes more open due to book reading. The cognitive skills of the person are also improved because of the book reading. In short, book reading would change your thinking, you learn to accept others and respect their viewpoints, similarly, you become creative and innovative as well due to the fiction reading.
Reading books can transform you
Reading books can make certain changes in your personality as well. If you want your personality to evolve, start reading self-help books. You understand the emotions of others when you develop a love for book reading, similarly, many other key personality traits are observed in the people who spend more time reading books. When you are reading books of different genres, you would study about people with different personalities and try to get some of their traits in your personality. However, keep in mind that this transformation of personality is not possible by reading one book, you need to develop the habit of book reading and become consistent to transform your personality.
In short, quality books can transform positivity in your personality. Encourage your children from a young age to read books, give them short stories or magazines at first and then start giving them books on different genres.