Web hosting is what makes your website come to live. It can also be regarded as oxygen for human beings. We all need oxygen to stay alive and carry on with our day to day activities. We die when there is no oxygen. When we are able to breadth in the oxygen again, we come back to life. So, in essence, your website cannot be visible to the online community without a host.
Some people do not do enough research and choose the wrong web hosting company. Choosing a fast and reliable web hosting company is becoming more important as Google uses website speed as a ranking factor. Having good website speed is now an SEO solution for achieving better rankings.
Choosing the right hosting service can be tasking due to the fact that there are many hosting services out there. Care needs to be taken because this simply task has so much impact on the performance of your website.
- You want to pick something that has been in the game for a long time. Check the reviews of website owners and their experiences with these particular services. You can see these in forums.
- You want a hosting company that gives simplicity. Many hosting companies make you go through long processes in getting started with their services. It can be a little bit frustrating setting up your website. We all want something that can get the job done quickly.
- Of course, you’d want something with fair prices. When creating a website, you are probably on a budget and wouldn’t like to spend exorbitantly on hosting. Make your research and get something that gives fair prices. At all costs, avoid hosting services that are very cheap if you want good performance.
- Make your research on a hosting service that has little to no technical issues. Without technical issues, you will be well able to focus on producing good content.
Doing all these researches can be a stressful exercise. But from personal research, I can attest to the credibility of Bluehost. Bluehost has been in the game for a long time now and many website owners can attest to their credibility. They have a relatively fair price of $2.95 a month.
- Using Bluehost is good for your SEO : With their fast server speed and website loading your website will be at an advantage. Google looks at the website’s speed as one of the requirements from ranking websites in the 1st and 2nd page. Bluehost has the most reliable and high performance servers out there.
- Good customer support: In case of any difficulty that arises on your website (although it rarely happens) you will be sure that their tech support is top notch. They have in-house experts who are dedicated in helping you build a better website.
- Maximum Uptime: With their 99.9% uptime guarantee, you’d be sure that your website would be online throughout the day and wouldn’t have to worry about poor networks.
- FREE SSL CERTIFICATES: Many customers fear that the information they provide to a website can be leaked by hackers. Bluehost has made efforts to combat this issue. So your customers wouldn’t have to worry about losing their personal information to hackers.
- EASY USE OF THE CONTROL PANEL: Using Bluehost, you don’t have to employ a website manager or a webmaster to help manage your website. You can easily solve any problems yourself with the consumer-friendly outlay.
- RECOMMENDED BY WORDPRESS: WordPress is becoming the go-to place for website building. If these soon to be giants recommends Bluehost, why should you use them.