Trees are a vital source of beauty, oxygen and nutrition, especially when it comes to our environment. Unfortunately, one of the most common species of trees in the city of Mississauga, Ash trees, are getting infected and dying from a deadly pest, the Emerald Ash Borer. The EAB is a type of metallic wood-exhausting creepy-crawly that came over from East Asia and has no predators in Ontario.
Many countries have failed to stop the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer from infecting and killing their Ash trees, even North American regular predators like woodpeckers, beatles, spiders and other predators of common tree borers, have been unable to slow these wood creepers from demolishing the Ash tree population.
Impact of Emerald Ash Borer on Trees
The impact of this Emerald Ash Borer was so significant enough that private farmers and the governments have spent millions of dollars trying to save the Ash tree population. In Mississauga, the local government spent hundreds of thousands of dollars treating and removing Ash trees. The Real Tree Masters Inc. has worked closely with the city of Mississauga to treat, remove and dispose of affected trees.
This infection has caused a significant amount of loss in both ecological and economical variants in Mississauga and all of Ontario. Within 6 years of an EAB infestation arriving in a wooded area, more than 99% of the ash trees will be killed. The Emerald Ash Borer has been active in cities, rural areas and farms. Canadian Forest Service scientists estimate that costs for treatment, removal and replacement of trees affected by emerald ash borer around Canada may reach $2 billion over a 3-decade period.
Signs to look after if Your Tree is affected
According to some research done on Emerald Ash Borers, one can still attain or save a tree from it in the early stages. So, how can someone tell if their tree is getting or already has the ash borer? You look for the sign and symptoms in your tree which is following;
- Notice for any thinning, deterioratin and diminishing or yellowing of the leaves.
- S-shaped patterns. The EAB larvae create this pattern as they feed under the bark of a tree. The outer layer bark has to be removed so the galleries are visible.
- D-shaped exit holes. These 1/8 of an inch holes are signs of an emerald ash borer infestation.
- Visible Woodpecker flecking. Woodpeckers searching for EAB larvae
- There would be straight or vertical breaks in the bark of your tree.
How to Save a Health Ash Tree from EAB?
At the moment, one of the best treatments publicly available is: TreeAzin. It has appeared to have pesticides and potential properties to slow down EAB spread within a tree. It is the main pesticide used in Canada. It has demonstrated compelling results in the control of EAB, keeping a large percentage of the trees alive and safe for longer. It is, for now, the only thing that has shown promising effects on the emerald ash borer.