In an increasingly hectic world, commuting is becoming a challenge, while cities are expanding. In order to face the challenge, electric scooters can be a great solution. These electric scooters are light and compact so that they are committed to helping you reach your destination in a short time and also pretty safe to ride. Standard scooters have paved the way for these electric scooters with the advent of technology. It is usually considered as an environment-friendly vehicle as it runs on a rechargeable battery rather than fossil fuel. The overall cost of maintaining an electric scooter is quite less as well. However, the question remains whether are Electric Scooters Easy to ride? Well, let’s find out the answer and some other rips regarding riding an electric scooter as well.
What Is An Electric Scooter or e-scooter?
It is a two or three-wheeled manual electric vehicle. The first scooter of its kind was released in 1985. But the rise of popularity of Electric scooters is a more recent phenomenon. They are becoming quite a popular alternative for other mediums of communications. Its popularity is rising steadily for better manoeuvring. The motor exists inside to propel it, and that is what differentiates it from other regular scooters. Also, there is an onboard rechargeable battery in which the power of electricity is stored. Now they are equipped with wireless connectivity and GPS trackers.
Are Electric Scooters Easy To Ride?
An electric scooter might look appealing and quite stylish. That is making many of the youngsters and also the adults too opting for choosing the electric scooters. It is primarily to avoid the traffic in the busy hours. But you should not make the mistake of thinking riding an electric scooter is a piece of cake. It certainly is not. Because they require a bit of know-how and most importantly, the ability to balance yourself while taking twist and turns, also, it can be quite dangerous if you are not protected. But you should not be afraid of getting one just because they are a bit difficult to get started and requires precaution. You need to follow some safety measures and tips before jumping into an electric scooter.
Can you ride an electric scooter during pregnancy?
The answer depends from individual to individual as every woman doesn’t have the same health condition and pregnancy. Although I’m not a doctor, I’ll request you not to ride an electric scooter during the period of your pregnancy. You have the risk of falling off or getting unnoticed and hit by a car, or even some other dangerous situations that can occur that are harmful or can be fatal both for you and your baby.
Can kids ride an electric scooter?
Kids shouldn’t ride an electric scooter until they are supervised. There are some special electric scooters designed for kids that can be used in a safe place that can avoid obstacles and dangerous objects. Before riding an electric scooter, you always need to get supervised by your parents and get some protective gear to wear. Get some extra pads and helmet so that it will ensure your safety. To choose the fittest one for your kid, check Scooter Inside.
Electric scooter safety tips
Wear protective equipment
Using a helmet can save you in various ways, and it is necessary equipment to ensure your safety. You can do this by wearing a protective helmet and guards for your knee and elbow. The helmet will block the UV radiation from sunlight, and, having a tip or visor in your helmet will protect your eyes, keeping clear of sunlight. Other protective equipment like knee and elbow guard can save you.
Ride slow
You should be keeping a low speed while riding can help you to avoid obstacles and dangers ahead, more aware when you are in a crowded area. Ride on those roads where the traffic is very little if you are starting out.
Make sure to break in time.
Break-in time when you face an obstacle nearby. Be aware of the blocks and obstacles while riding the electric scooter, ride slow and break while they are ahead.
Take turns slowly
Accelerating while taking turns may cause you to lose balance, maintaining the slow speed during a turn will help you to keep the balance well.
Maintain a good position during the ride
Maintain a straight, correct position while riding. Riding with one hand is another problem. As the width of the tires is extremely narrow on electric scooters, You’ll lose your balance if you are trying to ride with one hand.
Use light during night riding.
It’s recommended to use light during night riding as many of the accidents occur because of low visibility. To identify yourself and make yourself visible on the road, you can wear a reflective vest.
Electric scooter FAQ
What are the electric scooter batteries made off?
Electric scooters run on batteries and these rechargeable batteries that are made with either the Lead or the Lithium ions. These batteries come with a good endurance that is efficient enough for you to travel around 10 to 40 miles.
How does the battery of electric scooter works
The electricity that has been produced is transmitted through a network of wires directly back to the motor. The electric scooter pushes itself forward with the rotations of front-wheel or both wheels as the wheels are driven from the command of the motor as it fully depends on the type and the model of that electric scooter.
How much distance can the electric scooter cover?
Depending on the constraint of the motor, these electric scooters can cover a good amount of distance with a speed of about 25 to 35 kph.
Riding an electric scooter is easy only if you are experienced on the roads and also mentally a strong enough. So before riding an electric scooter, you have to have good fitness too. You can consult on your doctor in this case whether you can ride an electric scooter or not if you feel like