We are being been habituated to become curious about the technology and its functional uses. Do you also have the same habit as this when seeing printing materials around you? Sometimes, do you feel confused about how the T-Shirts that we wear are being printed? Or, a little bit perplexing when you notice the design, images onto your mug, plates, mouse pads, caps, jigsaw puzzles and a variety of other products? Yes ‼! These artifacts are from the heat press machine or screen printing machine.
And now if you are wondering about this invincible machine or thinking for a start-up business of T-shirt printing and printing products, you are in the right link. Because, this article will help you to gain a research-based idea about all insights and foresight of a heat press machine that is needful in the printing industry.
What is Heat Press Machine?
A heat press machine is generally a kind of machine which suits a design to be pressed heavily into the particular materials. The device is used for embedding the shapes and designs in high-temperature settings to produce your printing materials.
The powerful heat press machine allows its capacity to transfer heat through equipped sublimation processes into the materials or fabric and tighten the pressure to create an image or certain patterns that are preset according to the cataloging.
Types of Heat Press machines
Mainly there are three types of heat press machines – Clamshell, Swing-away, Drawer type. But currently, four categories of heat press machines are available in the market including Vacuum operated heat presses.
Descriptions of Heat Press Machine types:
Here I am explaining each category in short so you can get a thorough look before making buy decision as different press has different features.
Clamshell Heat Press Machine
Because of the structural dimension of this categorized machine is named as Clamshell since it can be opened and closed as like clamshell. In the Clamshell Heat Press, a hinge is adjusted to join the adjacent line of the upper and lower platen. This design is common in almost every demand for an entry-level heat press.
Although there are a few cons of a Clamshell Heat Press machine such as limited layout and for which more attention needs to pay during word, still pros side is more affable in using. The main advantages of it are easily portable, cheaper, space-friendly, the least number of steps in operating and has less moving parts. A clamshell heat press is best for creating printing on thinner materials as like t-shirts, bags, tea towels, etc.
Swing-away Heat Press
The swing-away heat press machine is designed with the way of the table that provides complete access to load or unload materials and layout transfers. It has few good features as like thickness doesn’t matter to heat elements even in flat objects or garments are to be imprinted. It’s also easy to layout lower part area in putting garments/objects which are needed to heat press.
The swing-away machine helps the user keep away from heating platen so that the dangers of burns can be eliminated. The main limitation of this type of heat press machine is, it has a heat platen design to swing out of your way. So, it engrosses more space than Clamshell heat press.
Drawer Type Heat Press
It’s just a little bit different from Swing heat press but almost the same category as like swing away. In this machine, only the lower platen will be pulled out towards the user. On the other hand, the opening and closing system of this type is like a clamshell. This heat press allows your garments to lay out on the no – heating plate which lets to see the particular garments.
Due to the movable surface, it needs great care when running the machine. Some beneficial facts that will help the user. Some good features of it is the larger working space to work along with the space-saving design, portable and much time-efficient. But, if you are thinking about cost, you have to expense a little more on it.
Vacuum Operated Heat press
The vacuum-operated heat press is also called as the sublimation heat press machine. Since the heat transfer industry always looks for the best ways to transfer heat on printing, this model has also become one of the popular heat press machine.
This type of heat press has one special thing that it executes an intended task such as dyes are used in transfer paper and will accelerate an illustrated design onto the surface of garments to heat press down. A big advantage is it can amass a delicate design with a big surface. Therefore, it can be called a multi-functioned heat transfer machine.