What Is A Salt-Free Water Softener And How Does It Work?

Salt-free water softener vs salt-based water softening: What’s the better option? Do salt-free water softeners work? What’s the difference between them? Does a salt-free water softener work?

How is the actual difference between the two different softening methods? Read on to find out more about the benefits of salt-free softening and how it can benefit you.

Both sodium-free and salt-based water softening systems remove trace minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium from tap water. These minerals are important to our overall health and are found in both distilled and natural spring water.

In addition to removing these beneficial minerals, both types of softening systems also remove the good bacteria that live in your pipes and water heaters and provide essential support for essential biological processes in the body.

As a result, it’s not surprising that people who are looking to soften their water with a salt-free conditioner or softener notice that they have more issues with digestion, bloating, and other body parts which need support.

There is one main advantage to using pentair water systems for your home. Because salt causes the minerals to be stripped from your water, this type of appliance works by replacing those naturally occurring minerals with hard substances.

Over time, sodium replaces calcium and magnesium, which causes hardness in your pipes and appliances. Eventually, you will find that your pipes and appliances will need repairs because they have lost their elasticity and strength.

Salt-free systems also use a form of ion exchange to change the water’s charge. Ion exchange water softener appliances draw hard ions (those formed by calcium and magnesium) from the tap water and replace them with sodium ions.

This process allows them to maintain the hardness level needed in the home. Since sodium is a much stronger substance than calcium, this makes the appliance more efficient. Ion exchange softeners are the most expensive appliance that uses salt in its operation.

There are other benefits to using an ion exchange water softener appliance. Because it allows the water to retain its hardness minerals, the appliance also re-mineralizes your drinking water, making it softer than tap water.

This process improves your health as well as your taste. People who have been on a diet for any length of time report improved mineral balance. These individuals also report higher energy levels and greater skin quality.

While the initial cost of these water conditioners can be restrictive, they soon pay for themselves through energy savings and renewed health. Another major benefit of using an ion exchange water softener is that the replacement of naturally occurring minerals can be done from the comfort of your own home. This is beneficial because you don’t have to drive to a store and purchase salt. Instead, all you have to do is bring your unit inside.