Kayaking is one of the most popular water sports in the world. The popularity of kayaking is increasing day by day in the world. Especially the young guys are more inclined towards kayaking. Most of them don’t know what gears are essential to make a successful kayak trip. Before heading out for a kayaking trip, it is important for you to know about these gears. In this article you will get some vital tips to make your journey safe. Following the tips posted here, you can start a trip with your fastest touring kayak and gears.
Right kayak
First of all, I will suggest you to choose a right touring kayak. You will get various types of kayak brands in the market. For the beginner level kayaker, I suggest to choose the recreational touring kayak that is short in size and has a large cockpit. The large cockpit allows you to go in and out easily. Besides, its back support provides you a comfortable feeling as well.
Many of beginners are not comfortable with sit-in kayak, so sit -on kayak can be the best option for them. There is no cockpit in this type of kayak, so no chance to think about getting trapped. The molded seat of sit-on kayak will give you easy movement. It is noticeable that there has a chance to get wet while paddling.
Spare Paddle
Try to choose a right paddle for your kayak. You will get kayak paddle as well as canoe paddle in the market. But kayak paddle and canoe paddle are not the same; you have to be careful of it. Just notice on kayak paddle that has a blade on both ends and each is 210cm to 260cm long. Now just focus on size of kayak paddle; some are longer and some are shorter. If you are a long guy, you have to choose the longer paddle. On the other hand, the short/small guy can choose the shorter one. An important matter, you have to remember that never forget to take a spare paddle, because accidently your paddle can be broken or lost.
Bouncy Aid for Kayaking
Do you want to make a nice kayak trip? So, don’t forget to think about your safety that should be first priority. According to experts, all kayakers should wear bouncy aids while kayaking. Some of you might not know bouncy aid. Actually, the bouncy aid is optional of life vest / life jacket / PFD. Bouncy aid is more comfortable than life jacket/vest. Wearing it, you can easily move your hands and turn neck. I think, you have come to understand that bouncy aid is more easeful than life jacket. You should not ignore this gear as you never know when you will be in a danger falling into the water.
No kayaker should not forget to wear a helmet while kayaking trip. The head is one of the most sensitive organs in a human body. So, you have to be careful of it. You can get bashed by your own paddle as well as by capsizing the kayak. So, you realize how important the helmet is!
Wet Shoes
As the wet shoes are made of neoprene with grippy rubber soles, these are perfect for walking & running on the slippery places. So, you should not forget to wear a pair of wet shoes while heading out for a kayaking trip. You might not have wet shoes. Don’t worry! It is not expensive; cheap enough and worth buying.
Choosing the right dress is a kind of intelligent act. Actually, it entirely depends on the weather. If you paddle in the flat water and the weather remains hot, you might feel comfort to wear t-shirt and shorts. But it is noticed that most of the kayakers feel comfort to wear a wetsuit or dry top.
Another thing to consider is whether the water is cold though the weather is warm. In this regard, you have to wear such a dress that is perfect for cold water, not for warm weather.
Wearing a drysuit or wetsuit in the winter season is really a very good decision. Drysuit is entirely waterlight causes great demand though it is expensive a little bit. But the beginner level kayaker can wear a wetsuit that is cheap in price.
Rope Bag
Usually, the rope loosely plaited inside the rope bag. Accidently your fellow kayaker might fall into the water. Then you can use this gear to rescue him/her. In first step- just hold one side of the rope, then throw the bag near to your fellow kayaker who is in the water as if the fallen kayaker can catch the bag. Next step- after catching the bag, you will be able to pull the rope to pick him/her up. So, now you must have understood the importance of this gear while kayaking.
Dry Bag
It is very important to keep all your gears and goods dry while kayaking. So, a dry bag can be the best solution to keep all your things dry although the kayak sink or, capsize. Dry bags are available in different sizes; just choose one that meets your need.
Kayak GPS Watch
The health conscious kayaker wears a GPS watch while kayaking. The reliable GPS watch informs your body activity by tracking. So, never forget to wear a right GPS watch while kayaking. Some GPS watches are waterproof and some are non-waterproof. So, be conscious while buying a smart GPS watch whether it suits your demand.
Final Verdict
As you are fond of kayaking very much, you should enjoy the kayaking trip perfectly. So, never forget to take all gears while heading out for kayaking trip as if you can use these in a danger and rescue your fellow kayaker. One day if you don’t take a gear while kayaking and fall in a danger, you will realize how important the gear was!