Experienced traders know education is key to successful trading, and there are plenty of education options to choose from, especially online. Whether you are an advanced trader looking for specific forex or futures training, or you’re a beginner searching for free tutorials, most traders also know that there are no shortcuts or “get rich quick” schemes. It takes an abundance of hard work, determination and training to become successful and start to make money.
In order to profit from trading you can begin by turning to the expertise and experience of those who came before you. Investing some of your resources in trading education can equip you with a valuable support network of people who are happy to set you on the path to trading success.
While none of the services can replace building your own experience, they can work alongside you to improve your skills and inspire you. Online trading courses often have different levels, typically beginner, intermediate, or pro. When searching for the best trading education, start by determining what level of trader you realistically are.
For more advanced traders looking to keep their strategies fresh, Certus Trading is a Toronto-based trading education company founded by Matt Choi. Certus Trading reviews ways for traders and individual investors to learn simple and practical strategies to profitably trade stocks, ETFs, options, commodity and financial futures, and FOREX.
For example, Certus Trading’s Profit Scheduler for Options course includes one or two options trades that are bullish and bearish. Long calls, long puts, debit spreads, and credit spreads will be the primary strategies used based on volatility and duration of the trade. Certus Trading founder Matt Choi says the preciseness of the schedules will allow the trades to be aggressive, with a target of 50 percent to 100 percent return on investment.
“These products aren’t for every kind of trader, but they do have advantages for certain situations, like part-time traders with limited time or investors in search of short-term, rule-based strategies,” says Matt Choi.
Meanwhile, trading education company Online Trading Academy is a trading education program committed to teaching the skills traders need to make smarter investment decisions by using their Patented Supply and Demand Strategy.
“OTA provides a real classroom educational experience. The instructors are very attentive and give you the feeling that asking questions is a good thing,” says a student.
Financial Markets Online offers courses that have been brought together by professional traders and former educators. Students can opt to sign up for regular live training each week where instructors discuss the latest market movements across all asset classes covering Forex, Stocks, Options and more.
There are a few things to consider when searching for the best trading education for your needs. One, the trader behind the education has demonstrable success with years of experience trading themselves. Two, the courses teach you how to trade on your own. Any genuine trading mentor will teach their students proven strategies, but will still empower them to trade for themselves.
Remember, trading education varies upon the quality and type of resources offered. As with anything, do your research before signing up and make sure to ask around, too.