Tips for Recovering From Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow can be particularly painful. It’s usually caused by repeating a motion that requires you to bend your arm. When this happens, the tendons that connect your bones and muscles can start to become inflamed. In addition to this, very small tears might appear.

Use an Elbow Strap or Brace

Using an elbow strap or brace can make a lot of difference to your pain. Please just make sure that the strap or brace is not too tight. You should not restrict the flow of blood to your arm. Ideally, your lower arm should be the same color as the rest of your arm. You should also make sure that your arm is all at the same temperature too. There should be no difference in temperature between the lower and upper areas of your arm.

Rest and Ice

One of the best things that you can do is to rest your elbow. It has been overused, which means rest is required. Please make sure you rest your elbow as much as possible for the next two weeks. This will help your elbow to repair itself and prevent further injury.

You should also consider using ice to help you with your pain and inflammation. Use an ice pack or some frozen peas and make sure you wrap them in a towel. This will help to prevent your skin from being burned by the ice. Use ice as a treatment method 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes at a time.

You might also want to consider having deep tissue laser therapy as it can help you to recover. The minute tears in your elbow can recover a little quicker. This can potentially reduce pain and inflammation.

Exercise Your Elbow

As soon as your elbow has started to get better, you can begin exercising it. However, you should only ever attempted exercises once the inflammation has subsided. This is to ensure you are on the road to recovery.

Your physical therapist will show you some exercises that could help. Please make sure you follow their instructions and exercise as often as they ask you to. These exercises can help to strengthen your elbow and work to prevent future injury

Take Some Painkillers

Tennis elbow can be more painful than you think. Many people are surprised at the sheer level of pain they feel when they are suffering from this condition. The good news is that painkillers can help you. They can not only relieve the pain but can also help to reduce inflammation.

Over-the-counter medication can help you. Please make sure you take the painkillers as instructed. If you’re not getting very much pain relief, please speak to your doctor. They might be able to prescribe something that could help.

If you have a tennis elbow you will need to rest it for at least two weeks. Use the above tips to help you recover from your injury so you can use your elbow and arm once more.