If you want to start a website but can’t decide which web hosting service to utilize, don’t fret! We’re here to talk about which web hosting services that are best for you and your circumstance. If you’re a beginner who wants to create a website or an existing owner of a website but are looking to upgrade your plan, then keep on reading as we discuss the surprising truth of which hosting is the best!
Today, we’ll be discussing three (3) of the most common web hosting services on the market: Bluehost, HostGator, and Hostinger. Now, we won’t get very detailed with the explanation of each. We’re just going to go over the most essential and lucrative features that each service provides. We’re going to cover:
Features – What does this web hosting service offer that’s good for me?
Pricing – How much will it cost to keep my website up and running?
Product Quality – Is the web hosting service doing a good job of running my website?
Support – If I run into some problems, will I be assisted properly?
For a detailed comparison between Bluehost and HostGator, click here.
Bluehost started in 1996 as a free hosting company founded by Matt Heaton. They have over 750 employees and host over 2 million websites worldwide. It has been collaborating with WordPress for over 10 years, with dedicated staff who take care of WordPress support and development.
HostGator was founded in a simple dorm room at Florida Atlantic University by Brent Oxley. Ever since, it has grown into the leading provider of Shared, Reseller, VPS, and Dedicated web hosting. Prior to 2015, HostGator was a partner of WordPress but decided to launch their own managed WordPress offering.
Created in 2004, they had one idea in mind: to let users create a website for FREE. Over 29 million people worldwide are using Hostinger. They take pride in having created a platform for users to create, learn, and grow. Now, they have over 400 employees worldwide and continue to expand their team.
Bluehost is arguably one of the most well-known web hosting service providers on the market. It’s known for its cheap monthly plan. It also gives a free domain name, constantly scores highly on uptime tests, and has pretty good customer support. It’s a good web hosting service for beginners because of its simple interface and deals that will save you a lot of cash. There’s also a free site builder that you can use, and one of the best features is its easy integration with WordPress.
This web hosting service prides itself on having a user friendly cpanel, 99.9% uptime guarantee, and 24/7 customer support. It offers a drag-and-drop website builder, which is highly user-friendly. There are also over 4,000 templates for you to choose from, so you can really look for the style that you want to show. The packages of HostGator are also priced reasonably, offering just enough features that will get your website up and running. This web hosting service is best suited for professionals who already have a website and are simply looking to upgrade.
Last but not least, Hostinger is definitely the go-to web hosting service you want to choose if you’re someone who runs on a tight budget. After some tests, it runs at 350ms with an uptime of 99.5%. If you’re also running into some trouble, 24/7 live chat is also available. If perhaps you’re not happy with the service that Hostinger is providing, you can always avail the 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee through the payment method of your choice. Hostinger is a good web hosting service if you’re looking to save cash.
Now that we’ve covered the features, let’s talk about the pricing for each of these web hosting services so that you can choose which is the best platform for you!
Bluehost has three (3) plans: Shared, VPS, and Dedicated. Shared starts at $2.95 per month, VPS starts at $18.99 per month, and Dedicated starts at $79.99 per month. If you’re just a fledgling at starting a website, we recommend that you start with the Shared plan and if you like it or wish to add more features, you can move on to VPS.
HostGator also has three (3) plans for you to choose from. Hatchling, Baby, and Business Plan. The Hatchling plan starts at $2.75 per month, the Baby plan starts at $3.95 per month, and lastly the Business Plan starts at $5.95 per month. These don’t offer as many features as Bluehost, but if you’re looking for very cheap but stable web hosting services, you can enroll in any of these plans.
Lastly, we have Hostinger who also offers three (3) plans: Single, Premium, and Business. Single starts at $0.99 per month, Premium starts at $2.89 per month, and Business starts at $3.99 per month. However, these are discounted starter prices for new users. After a while, it will expire and you will be charged the actual price as per shown in the image below.
All three web hosting services have customer service support under their belts. Let’s take a look at what these three have to offer.
Bluehost – has 24/7 expert support and can help you get started on your website or if you run into any problems. Phone, chat, and email support is available and their contact details can be found on their website.
HostGator – offers 24/7/365 support with telephone and LiveChat support with any hosting-related questions that you might have.
Hostinger – is able to provide round the clock support but only offers live chat support.
Bluehost – Best for starters and beginners
HostGator – If you have businesses with existing sites and you want to upgrade to a high-speed, contract-free provider
Hostinger – Cheap, lowest price is $0.99 per month until renewed