With the ever-growing consciousness regarding climate change and environmental hazards, people and brands alike are opting for eco-friendly products and practices. Ever since the ban on plastic use was placed in various countries worldwide, brands have been looking for healthy alternatives. One such example is china kraft paper bags, which increase popularity among the masses for their eco-friendly nature and cheap costs.
This article will explore the advent of china paper bags, how they are made, and practices used by china paper bag’s manufacturer, factory, and supplier.
What Are They Made Of?
China kraft paper bags are based on whole wood pulp paper. These standard brown paper bags originate from a process called the “Kraft process”. This process takes place by converting wood into wood pulp composed of almost pure cellulose fibres that are the core of paper products. In the china kraft paper bag factory, these wood chips are grained into wood pulps using a unique, organic mixture that breaks down the bonds in the solid wood structure. This way, an almost churned out form of wood is acquired, which is then pressed into the paper by a paper-making machine.
While the machine rolls out thin sheets of pressed paper, another factory machine cuts it into the required dimensions as per instructions. The china kraft paper bag manufacturers are responsible for the specific printing on the paper according to the needs of their clients, such as logos and initials. In the end, the china paper bag is assembled by adding handles and other accessories if needed. Finally, they are handed over to the china kraft paper bag suppliers, who then distribute it to the consumers.
Why is it Called “Kraft” Paper?
The durability of the china kraft paper bags is evident in its name. “Kraft” in German means “strength”, which is the core of the kraft paper’s properties. In the 1880s, a man called Carl F. Dahl invented the kraft pulping process in Germany.
Before his invention, the china kraft paper manufacturers used to directly churn the wood into pulp. After experimentations, Dahl concluded that adding certain chemicals like sulfates can increase the strength of paper bags. He called this process the “Kraft pulping process”. Eventually, due to the durability and strength of the new china kraft paper bags, the products gained use and popularity as packaging material.
What Makes Kraft Paper a Sustainable Packaging?
China paper bags provide you with sustainability in packaging. Sustainability is achieved by reducing the ecological footprint and containing the environmental impact. This can be achieved by increasing the use of the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). China kraft paper bags are sustainable since they use all-natural ingredients such as wood pulp in their making. The china kraft paper manufacturers also discourage the use of bleach which decreases manufacturing costs. These bags are low-weight and hence reduce the costs of china kraft paper bags suppliers.