Mobile apps are designed for a specific operating system and alter the normal functioning of the phone, giving it unique capabilities. When compared to websites, the former is more expensive to create. It may be costly especially when you want Mobile app developers to develop an app that serves both Android and IOS. There are both pros and cons associated with the process. Let’s look at their cons:
Cost of Development
As mentioned above, you will have to develop two separate apps if you want to serve both Android and IOS users. This means double expense. To be able to develop both of them, you will need a high-quality developer whose value of development may be so high. In case you hire two developers to work on the apps, you will be required to cater for twice as much money as you would have spent on one developer.
Poor response from customers
After your application has been approved by the App Store, customers will be required to download and install it on their phones, for them to gain access to it. Unfortunately, most of them are not willing to install an extra app on their phones. This results into you making loses as the app-services do not reach the intended customers.
High competition
Competition is the other challenge facing app development. Technological advancements have contributed to easier creating of apps, making it possible for people to come up with mobile apps. Some of these apps take smaller space and their cost of downloading is lower. This alone, lures people into installing them instead of your app.
High maintenance cost
Mobile apps require continuous improvement to meet customer needs, and maintenance for bug fixes and security. Failure to this, the app’s performance becomes poor thus losing customers. The whole maintenance process incurs losses when there are few people using its services.
Long approval process/timing
Once app development company in Seattle has availed your app, you will be required to upload it in App Store for approval. The whole process is so tedious and may take up several weeks to be approved. Had there been easier ways of doing it, you could have embraced it but since there is none, you will be required to be patient till approval. Unfortunately, your app may fail to be approved, resulting into losses all together.
Insecurity Issues
Insecurity comes in where the developer has not encrypted your data or his security forces are poor. Your ideas leak and get in the hands of third parties, who in return come up with their apps and upload them in App Store for approval.
Cases have been reported of replica apps, and the owners end up losing the money invested in the app and the app itself. Getting a safe and secure development company is quite a challenge especially for newbies.
While there are tens of benefits of developing mobile apps, there is need for you to be informed of their drawbacks as well. This will help you make the right decisions.