Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria linked to feelings of rejection and shame commonly affects adults and children. Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria sometimes called ADHD is an intense emotional response caused by feelings of rejection, because of that criticism, they have withdrawn their love, respect, and approval. Rejection comes from a Greek word which means “hard to bear”. They feel anxiety when someone criticizes them, even if that’s not the case. It is estimated that up to 99% of adults are more sensitive than usual by rejection. You can imagine it is the hardest part to live with this rejection visit Purea Magazine
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria Podcast:
You can listen to digital audio research about rejection sensitive dysphoria. You can listen on apple podcast. People with RSD feel emotions more intensely, more suddenly, and more frequently. This is a out-of-control emotion. Criticism activates the same parts of the brain as does physical pain. Some of us are more sensitive than others.
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria symptoms:
People suffering from RSD get embarrassed easily. When someone hurts or rejected them they get emotional outbursts and easily angry. These people have low self-esteem. They encounter problems with relationships. They don’t want to sit in social places and withdraw from other people. Some people hurt themselves to get mental relief.
Causes of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria:
The health care provider believes that gene changes passed down through families cause RSD. Serious Serious trama like criticism or abuse can make the symptoms of Rejection sensitive Dysphoria worse. When you have RSD your nervous system overreacts to the behavior outside the world. Any sense of criticism or rejection can set off your stress response and cause an emotional reaction. This emotional reaction is much more extreme than usual.
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria In Adults:
RSD is common in adults. This can be a social anxiety disorder. These people may feel discomfort around people. It is connected with rejection and criticism may be. Adults with Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria or ADHD may sometimes have behaviors that put them outside of the typical social norms. When a child gets interrupted he gets social distance because of criticism. The cold behavior of a child makes him or her away from social gatherings.
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria Relationships affects:
Rejection sensitive dysphoria can have a significant impact on having relationships. Dating is going to be hard for the people who are facing this emotional disorder. People can have RSD have different roles of manifesting within relationships. They may afraid of sharing their feelings in front of a friend because of the fear of being rejected.
Conclusion: How can you get over RSD:
This is connected with ADHD. It is genetic and neurologic. Early childhood trauma can affect the feelings of a child but it is not every time RSD. You can overcome RSD by controlling your blood pressure. Meet up with positive people who are true to you and give you positive vibes. You can control this feeling by giving yourself involvement in positive activities rather than thinking yourself like others.