The difficulty is something that has always caught the attention of the players. The search for the challenge is always there and as such, many are attracted. However, playing the following games in difficult mode goes beyond a typical difficulty, almost touching the impossible …
As we said, the difficulty is something that is highly valued when playing video games. However, it is a very abstract concept, since many may find it difficult to win a game of League of Legends and others have a more difficult section of a platform game.
In this top we are going to evaluate titles, usually for a player, that when raising the level of difficulty they are a real headache due to the great level of complication and requirement to which the player is subjected. As always, there are hundreds of difficult games and we wish we had many more.
The indie developed by Studio MDHR won a hole in our hearts a long time ago. This platform of lateral displacement platform captured the attention of the public immediately thanks to two things: its artistic design very similar to the first Disney animations, and its difficulty.
About the latter, Cuphead is very demanding and the learning and challenge curve is very well achieved. However, when we talk about the difficult way of this game, we are going to have to breathe and calm down because it gets the worst out of us. Cuphead becomes the videogame demon and asks us for all our attention and skill every second of the game.
The Evil Within
So by boat soon, if someone has never played The Evil Within you can always intimidate him by telling him that this game is difficult, long and scary. These three adjectives are not the most successful within the most casual players, but if you are looking for a complex experience, this may be the title you are looking for.
Besides, the greater difficulty mode coupled with the tense atmosphere that recreates this Bethesda game makes the game experience drift into a constant state of alertness in which sudden death becomes very common.
Call of Duty Saga
Likely, you did not expect the Call of Duty saga to sneak into this list, but in terms of difficulty level in first-person shooters, the Activision franchise is the best there is. The campaigns of this saga are not usually very long, but they are dynamic and entertaining.
However, if you want to live a true war experience, playing in Veteran mode puts many players in serious trouble. You have to walk with lead feet and the covers will be our best companions throughout the missions. It is very demanding and our health is greatly reduced. Even if. Without a doubt, this is not the worst of Call of Duty … we all know they are the campers.
Saga Trials
Trials have a few deliveries throughout his extensive career. The case of these games is very curious. Because of their playability and design, they are titles that do not seem to generate a feeling of high complexity. Many levels are fun and present difficulties, but they only represent a challenge that players can access without any problems.
However, when you play in greater difficulties, getting medals or even finishing the circuit becomes a real nightmare. There are tremendously hellish levels and it’s complicated. We don’t want to talk about the online mode, because on many occasions it comes to touch the delirium.
Alien Isolation
The eighth passenger has sneaked back into the ship without warning. Alien Isolation may have some other fault, but it is one of the best horror games that have been released in recent years. Its difficulty in easy mode is too affordable, but when you raise it … that’s another song.
In many cases, it stops being fun. Besides, the game is long, so the suffering expands and expands until there comes a time when you are forced to disconnect.
Dead Space 2
Dead Space 2 did a great job in regards to the sense of progress and difficulty climbing. At the normal level, create this balance perfectly, the game prevents players from getting frustrated, but at the same time. Hardcore mode forces you to focus on the game in a much more methodical way. This mode of difficulty will be almost impossible for players who do not pay attention or who are limited to shooting and running without a fool or are.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
If Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has truly insane moments in terms of complexity, you may want to know that the difficulty can be raised. If you did not know this modification, you will have saved a huge amount of frustration, since what the Bell Demon does and the Kuro Amulet does not make sense.
These items are achieved by performing a series of challenges that result in an infamous measure that increases the power of the enemies and we will even receive damage even if we cover ourselves, our attacks cause less damage and other measures equally wild. Anyway, this mode is ideal if you want to stamp the remote control against the wall.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma II
Ninja Gaiden Sigma II is one of the great references of the saga and many other titles in regards to difficulty. The Master Ninja mode results in torture and puts us in the shoes of a true ninja. It could even be more complicated than receiving shinobi training. It is not fair, nothing fair. If you are looking for strong emotions, don’t play this one, because maybe they are too strong emotions.
Doom (2016)
DOOM brought us back one of the most beloved shooters in history and did it with very successful graphics and mechanics. Blood and viscera everywhere, but the most brutal thing about this game is not its high amount of violence.
Without a doubt, what shakes us is the Ultra-Nightmare mode. What makes this difficulty so unbearable is the fact that the player cannot resurrect after being knocked down by an enemy. If you die you restart the game and the more you advance, the more nervous you get. Also, DOOM is not a short game.
Dark Souls Saga
There are no difficulty modes as such within this saga, but we have felt compelled to put these games on top. Currently, when a game is difficult, it is immediately compared to Dark Souls. This saga is like the Holy Grail of those who seek a demanding challenge. Their deliveries are based on a brilliant level design combined with a very characteristic difficulty. Although many comments that the game is not difficult, but demanding.