Photo credits to Majed Veysel on instagram
Being one of the rarest personality types and being among the most capable people, this Architect knows this all too well… It can be difficult for Architects to find people who progress with their non-stop analysis of things. Such personalities are ambitious yet like their privacy, imaginative yet decisive, curious about everything but remain focused. Same is the case with this multi-talented rising personality in the world of Architecture who is known for his huge interest in black and white photography, Majed Veysel. The man who is constant, hardworking and ambitious about knowledge as an architect, as a visual artist, as a designer, as an art influencer and a photographer.
Majed Veysel began his education in Architecture in 2012 at the American School in Aleppo, after which he moved to Bahçesehir Üniversitesi in Istanbul, where he graduated in Architecture and where he fully registered to practice. Desiring to polish his skills in Architecture and photography, Veysel decided to pursue more knowledge by enrolling in a master’s of architecture program in Italy, in 2018 and is expected to graduate in 2024 From Politecnico Di Torino.
What does it take to get something qualified as a hobby? Does there have to be a disconnect with what you do for a living? Does it have to be a frivolous use of your time? Majed Veysel knew that there is always room for improvement whether it’s your hobby or passion. A hobby is way out busy occupation, engaged in especially for relaxation. And as a well-known person in his field and highly talented architect, he has managed to win several awards. Being a highly talented student, he won the honours in three consecutive years from 2015 till 2017.
He has served under different capacities where he has gained the necessary experience. For example, he was an intern architect, “S.B ARCH.Bargone Associati” back in Rome, 2016.
In 2016, he also worked as an Office Intern Architect “Acımert Mimarlık — AAC” in Istanbul, Turkey. For gaining more experience, he also worked as a Site Construction Architect in Eroglu Holding. He is well known for his work on Skyland Istanbul Highest Skyscraper in Turkey back in 2017.
Majed Veysel participated in several competitions where he has won awards. He participated in the International competition for National Museum Complex in South Korea. He was participating with “S.B ARCH. Bargone Associati”. He participated in Caycuma Bilim Merkezi, With Acımert Mimarlık — AAC In Istanbul, Turkey. Other competitions where he participated include the Sustainable Youth Center Held By “Ronesans Holding” In Istanbul, Turkey.
His eagerness for knowledge always presented him as an active student. During that time there were several competitions held on Campus… He remained first to take further steps that can help him in learning. Those competitions are proved to be very helpful for his thirst for knowledge.
There is a massive power inside every person that he or she cannot take advantage of it. There is a treasure of vitality inside every person, and the capacity to understand, endure and be patient… We do not use much out of that treasure, but only a little during submission days. Human beings eat, drink and sleep more than they should. They are less pretty than they should be; they fear more than they have to. They do not know themselves nor their limits.”
There are several publicans that paved a way of sharing his knowledge of photography and architecture with other students. Such As The Optical Illusion by Adobe 2017 and Rome into Your Bloodstream in 2016
Majed Veysel is a gem in the field of Architecture. His will to make huge changes in the field of Architecture and photography will lead him to another level. He is a person equipped with unbeatable skills and great knowledge.
The best way to reach Majed Veysel is via direct mail info@majedveysel.com allow him some time to get back!