How to Choose the Right Cat Fence?

Cat Fence

As a cat owner, it is quite natural for you to be concerned about the safety of your pet, especially if she has been spending most of her time outdoors. If your cat is a timid one, you can still keep her indoors. But do you really want to take away her share of enrichment that nature offers?

There is a way to let your cat enjoy her outdoor time in a fun-filled and safe way – Cat-proof your garden through cat fencing. Here are a few things you need to think about before jumping into action:

Choose the right cat fencing provider

A lot of companies offer cat fencing and Catios. In fact you could even purchase a cat fence online by visiting Most of these will even have reviews and testimonials written by cat owners who have purchased fencing from them. Go through these and judge the customer satisfaction and success rates before making your decision.

Select the best type of fencing

You can cat-proof your outdoor space in a number of ways and methods. However, what you choose depends totally on the topographic features and size of your garden.

If your garden already has boundaries, you can just add a cat bracket at the top of that fence or compound wall. Alternatively you can also go for a freestanding cat enclosure. Nevertheless, if you have a good amount of flat space, you may want to put up a catio or a catservatory. This would be more like adding another room to your house.

Whatever type of fencing you choose, make sure you find out details about its maintenance and expected longevity.

Get the Planning Permission

You may not need any planning permission if you are building a non-permanent structure that is less than two meters in height. However, the regulations may vary from one place to another. It is always better to check with your local planning office, especially if you are living in a conservation area. Talk to your neighbors and tell them about the fencing you are planning. Get their suggestions if any to stop your cat from getting into their garden.

Although it is possible to install a cat fence all by yourself, it is always better to get a professional installer to do it for you. They will know exactly how to navigate any sheds, conservatories, or mature trees that you may have in your garden.