Don’t like streaming? We show you 3 ways to download free music

Streaming and digital platforms have completely changed the way we consume music and entertainment. Although before there was a ritual in which everything should be obtained through physical format, now we have multiple alternatives to enjoy your favorite artists. Some sites like mp3juice let you listen to music for free

The music is everything and if you do not want to partake of services streaming in which you pay a monthly fee, we show you 3 easy ways to download music free to your mobile legally.

The 3 options to download music are extremely simple, so it will not take you long to have the best songs on your smartphone to enjoy them whenever and wherever you want.


In this portal, users can have the songs they want and then download them. The purpose of ClipConverter is to offer a tool in which YouTube videos can be converted to mp3 format. It is very simple to use since you only have to copy the URL of the video of the song you want to convert and that’s it.

However, it should be noted that the sound quality could be lost in the process, so it will be at your own risk, although it is a simple and fast method that could get you out of trouble or simply and could simply help you to have that song you’ve always wanted to have on your mobile device.


Magnatune is an American record label that distributes music legally on the Internet. The portal has multiple genres available to users, ranging from ambient to jazz, rock, electronic, classical, new age and much more.

The portal offers music for free so users can download the single they want without any limit. Its founder is John Buckman, who started this project beyond 2003 since he thought music should be for everyone.

Noise Trade

The objective of this service is to offer a catalog with thousands of albums so that users can choose the one they want for download. Everything is completely free and legal; However, what stands out about this platform is the fact that it is focused on independent artists so they can spread their bets.

That is, if you want to discover and download completely new music, Noise Trade is an ideal option. You can find all kinds of gender!