Paper is one of the most neglected office stationery equipment because of misguided thoughts that there’s not much to paper selection. It’s not a matter of one size fits all. There are several considerations to be factored in when selecting the type of paper to use for your specific printer or copier.
There are several manufacturers for starters, and each one has different specifications from paper grammage to paper smoothness. You may have often wondered why there are price variations for printing paper, and it’s all just the same, right? Wrong!
After an astronomic increase of all things digital, the paper is as invaluable a commodity as ever—especially for those dependent on home or business printing. There are more paper combinations than ever before, making purchasing the material very challenging. This article looks at the factors you ought to consider before purchasing your next ream of copier paper.
The weight in grams determines the thickness of the paper. A typical copy sheet weighs approximately 75 grams. This paper is termed as multi-use as it is ideal for either home or office environments. It is suitable for the average digital printer and copier, irrespective of whether they are Inkjet or LaserJet printers. A slightly thicker variation used is the one that weighs 90 grams. It enhances the printing resolution and quality, according to https://xerox.com. Please note, the heavier the paper, the denser the page.
Whereas some printer papers are left bare and uncoated, others have a protective coating of polymer— used to create unique properties for the material. You would have to select a coated printer paper that is right for you, whether matte, smooth, or glossy, depending on your particular printing or copier projects.
The brightness of the copier paper varies considerably. Paper’s brightness is characteristically measured on a scale of 0-100 – 80-100 is a ballpark for first-class quality papers. The brighter the paper, the better the final copy or print looks—regardless of what sort of printer you are using.
The opacity of copier paper is another significant factor. Opacity is measured at a range of 0-100, with 100 representing opaque and 0 representing translucent. The thicker the paper sometimes gets, the opaquer it is.
Other factors to be considered in your copier paper considerations involve the storage and printer type you are using.
When paper gathers moisture, it will be more susceptible to causing paper jams in your printer. Therefore, ensure to store it covered in a cool, dry place.
Paper Tray Settings
Different printers have variations in tray settings. For some commercialised printers, they have various trays to facilitate the usage of different weight-sized papers. Please check the paper tray settings of your machine and use the recommended paper.
Each time you open a new stack of papers, help them breathe by fanning them through using your thumbs. This aeration process separates the papers, making it easier for the machine to pick individual papers when printing or copying, thus reducing the chances of paper jam.