Common faults and solutions of small sachet packing machine

The automatic small sachet packing machine usually contains 5 proximity switches. If there is only an occasional short-circuit problem,

In the operation of the sachet packing machine, because the plastic bag is designed to be stretched and positioned laterally during the working process, its compression molding can easily affect the unreasonable shrinkage in packaging applications. Therefore, the need for timely prevention and treatment is Problems at work. In the work of the automatic sachet packing machine, there is a common failure problem mainly including PLC failure, proximity failure switch, magnetic switch, and solenoid valve failure.


  1. PLC failure

In PLC work, the main content of common fault analysis problem research includes some problems in the connection between the output point and the relay. If there is a certain problem at this point, it is very easy to develop and cause the control system motor at this point to malfunction or even cause the start of the motor to stop.

Failure maintenance method: modify and repair the programmer, modify the output program point control jumper of the failure. If there is no programmer at this time, you can remove the PLC, then use the spare point input relay to replace and install the original circuit.


  1. Proximity switch failure.

The automatic small sachet packing machine usually contains 5 proximity switches. If there is only an occasional short-circuit problem, it does not need to be repaired but often needs to be studied and repaired.

Fault repair method: The melting knife L bit of the proximity switch is installed in parallel to the same type, and the two switches are connected in parallel to improve reliability.


Three, magnetic switch equipment failure

The magnetic switch can be used to analyze and detect the position of the working cylinder and control the stroke of the working cylinder. The movement development of the four cylinders of lamination, pushing, pressing, and melting knife are related to each other, and their positions are detected and controlled by magnetic switches.

Fault repair method: two adjustable flow valve cylinders and solenoid valve 5, transfer the small flow of compressed air, reduce the speed of the cylinder until the signal can be detected by the magnetic switch.


Fourth, the solenoid valve fails

The problem of solenoid valve failure is mainly manifested as a cylinder does not operate or reset, because the cylinder solenoid valve cannot change direction or blow-by. If the air is blown through the solenoid valve, the air pressure management of the machine with the inlet and outlet gas paths cannot reach the pressure of the teaching work environment, and the rise of the knife beam will not be in place.


Troubleshooting method: clean the solenoid valve, replace the damaged sealing ring, if it cannot be repaired, replace the solenoid valve. Common faults and solutions


In the operation of the small sachet packing machine, because the shrink film is designed to be stretched and positioned horizontally during the working process, its compression molding can easily affect the unreasonable shrinkage in packaging applications. Therefore, there is a need for timely prevention and treatment. Problems at work. In the work of automatic shrink packaging machine, there is a common failure problem, which mainly includes PLC failure, proximity failure switch, magnetic switch, and solenoid valve failure.


  1. PLC failure

In PLC work, the main content of common fault analysis problem research includes some problems in the connection between the output point and the relay. If there is a certain problem at this point, it is very easy to develop and cause the control system motor at this point to malfunction or even cause the start of the motor to stop.

Failure maintenance method: modify and repair the programmer, modify the output program point control jumper of the failure. If there is no programmer at this time, you can remove the PLC, then use the spare point input relay to replace and install the original circuit.


  1. Proximity switch failure.

The automatic small sachet packing machine usually contains 5 proximity switches. If there is only an occasional short circuit problem, it does not need to be repaired but often needs to be studied and repaired.

Fault repair method: The melting knife L bit of the proximity switch is installed in parallel to the same type, and the two switches are connected in parallel to improve reliability.


Three, magnetic switch equipment failure

The magnetic switch can be used to analyze and detect the position of the working cylinder and control the stroke of the working cylinder. The movement development of the four cylinders of lamination, pushing, pressing, and melting knife are related to each other, and their positions are detected and controlled by magnetic switches.

Fault repair method: two adjustable flow valve cylinders and solenoid valve 5, transfer the small flow of compressed air, reduce the speed of the cylinder until the signal can be detected by the magnetic switch.


Fourth, the solenoid valve fails

The problem of solenoid valve failure is mainly manifested as a cylinder does not operate or reset, because the cylinder solenoid valve cannot change direction or blow-by. If the air is blown through the solenoid valve, the air pressure management of the machine with the inlet and outlet gas paths cannot reach the pressure of the teaching work environment, and the rise of the knife beam will not be in place.

Troubleshooting method: clean the solenoid valve, replace the damaged sealing ring, if it cannot be repaired, replace the solenoid valve.