You may wonder that between chillum or silicone pipe, which one is better, but first, we will tell you about both of these pipes and their advantages and disadvantages as well. These pipes are used for smoking purposes by the people who love smoking. In the end, you can make a decision on your own that in chillum or silicone pipe, which one will be better and most suitable for you. So, start reading.
Chillum pipes:
In the past times, chillum pipes were only made of clay, and when the clay dries out, people use that pipe for smoking purposes. But today, you can also find out Glass Chillums in the market. You can purchase such chillums online as there are many credible online sellers selling them. The chillum is a plain circular pipe of uncertain origin that has historically been used to smoke morphine and cannabis. While no one knows for sure who was initially utilize, but it is being said that they were first utilized by India’s religious figure named Sadhus in the Himalayan area in the eighteenth century. Today, many people are still using chillums because of the benefits they offered.
What are the benefits of using chillum pipes?
Chillum pipes allow people to consume a large amount of smoke at once. They are large pipes, and they don’t work like small pipes that allow users to consume a very small amount of smoke. If you are also one of the smokers who love to consume so much smoke at once, then you should also use chillums. Another benefit of using chillum is, they cool down the smoke immediately. In this way, the consumer doesn’t consume the hot smoke, and when the smoke reaches the mouth of the consumer, the smoke cooled down. Also, the effects of the some depend upon the length of the chillum pipe. Chillums are easy to carry anywhere with you, and you can easily carry them with you while traveling because they are not so long. So, choose chillums if you’d like to enjoy all these benefits.
What are the disadvantages of chillum pipes?
There are also a few bad sides of using chillums, and one of them is, they are difficult to clean. So, if you don’t want to struggle while cleaning chillum, then you should not choose chillums. Another disadvantage is, if you are a regular smoke and smoke too much, then one pack of chillum will not be enough for you. You have to purchase more than one pack, which means that you have to spend more money on them. Chillums are also pipes that can easily break down, so be careful about all these things while thinking about purchasing them.
More about chillums:
Chillums are available in the different materials in the market. You can purchase chillums made up of glass, clay, and stone, according to your needs. Their prices change according to the material from which they are made up of. Also, purchase chillums carefully after checking their quality and the credibility of the seller as you can only get the benefits from chillums after purchasing one of the best quality.
Silicone pipes:
Silicone pipes are also used for the smoking purposes, such as for smoking cannabis and other things like that. As mentioned in their name, silicone pipes are made up of silicone, and you can purchase them from any credible seller near you or online. So, you can easily purchase Silicone Weed Pipe from any seller near you. Silicone pipes also have both advantages and disadvantages. Read till the end and after that, find out which pipe is best for you. You can easily make a decision for you after reading the detail about silicone pipes.
What are the benefits of using silicone pipes?
Silicone pipes are strong pipes, and they don’t easily break down. Like many other smokers, if you are also tired of breaking pipes, then silicone pipes are the best option for you. Silicone pipes are also safe for you if you purchase them from a credible seller or manufacturer. They use high-quality silicone in these pipes to make them safe and best for consumers. Also, silicone pipes are flexible, and you can easily bend them, and they don’t break down, and silicone pipes are also durable.
Silicone pipes are not difficult to clean, and you can clean them easily because they have a big hole that will allow you to easily clean them from inside and out. Also, these pipes are very affordable, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money to purchase them. If a seller is selling you these pipes very costly, then avoid purchasing from him and search for another seller. So, if you want all these benefits in your pipe, then go and purchase a silicone pipe.
What are the disadvantages of silicone pipes?
Silicone pipes are very beneficial, but if you purchase your silicone pipe from a non-credible seller, then this pipe will not safe for you to use as the non-credible seller will use bad quality silicone in the pipes which he sells. Also, they can’t bear the fire, and that’s why you should be careful while lighting them up because you can’t directly touch the flame with silicone.
Silicone pipes also do not look so beautiful as a clean glass chillum can look, so if you can compromise on the looks of your pipe, then you can use silicone pipes; otherwise, you should avoid purchasing them.
Which one is better?
After reading everything about chillum and silicone pipes, you can find out that while one is better for you. Read everything carefully, the benefits and disadvantages of both pipes, and after reading them, you can easily make your decision that which one is most suitable for you. So, you can find by yourself which pipe you should choose between chillum and silicone pipe.
This post will tell you everything about silicone and chillum pipe, and after reading it, you can finalize which pipe is best for you.