1. Find out why your website needs an HTTPS certificate.
To use our new embedded purchase, your website needs an HTTPS certificate.
Buying or obtaining a free HTTPS certificate offers other advantages:
- It prevents others from seeing confidential information (for example, credit card numbers) that attendees send from their computer to the server where your website is hosted.
- The HTTPS certificate will make prospective buyers consider your website more reliable.
- Your website may appear in a higher position in Google search results and other search engines
2. Check if your website already has an HTTPS certificate.
You can enter your website address (URL) in an online certificate tester to find out what encryption is enabled on your site. Among the accredited are:
3. Find out about the three types of certificates.
Three types of HTTPS certificates. The cost data, configuration time and required documents (see the table above) may vary. All three types are compatible with the new embedded The Email Shop purchase.
- Domain validation – The easiest to configure. Suitable for small businesses and websites with a single domain (for example, https://www.organizer.com).
- Organization validation – Requires the submission of documentation before the start of the process. Suitable for companies that collect confidential user data (in addition to those indicated by the attendees in the new embedded The Email Shop purchase). It allows you to certify subdomains (for example, https://www.subdomain.organizer.com).
- Extended Validation SSL – Requires the submission of abundant documentation as evidence of the existence and location of your organization before the start of the process. Suitable for large companies and public entities.
4. Buy an HTTPS certificate or get a free one.
To obtain the HTTPS certificate from your website, you must purchase it or obtain a free one from a blink {Certification Authority => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_authority) or a CA authorized SSL distributor.
• Payment certificates: they can have several advantages. For example, payment certificate vendors can offer extensive assistance in setting up the certificate.
• Free certificates: Although they may offer online help content, they may be more difficult to configure and require certain technical knowledge.
5. Check a list of certified providers.
We advise you to compare the prices of various providers, what they offer and how much assistance they could provide you with:
- SSL Certificate Wizard from SSL Shopper and SSL Wizard from About SSL – Answer a few questions about your requirements so that these assistants generate a list of appropriate SSL certificates. Even if they don’t provide you with the best prices, they could guide you as to the requirements that your certificate should meet.
- CheapSSLShop.com – CA authorized SSL distributor. CA authorized dealers to provide discounts for certificates whose quality is similar to those provided by primary suppliers
- Comodo- Payment certificate provider with excellent credentials
- Digicert – Payment certificate provider with excellent credentials
- NameCheap – Payment certificate provider with excellent credentials. It offers economic and premium certificates.
- Lets Encrypt – Certification Authority (CA) that provides free certificates. Backed by Internet institutions such as Mozilla and Google Chrome. It is difficult to configure for those who do not have knowledge about web development, but there are numerous web hosting providers that offer configuration assistance.
SSL Certificate: what it is and why it is important for your website
As of July 2018, Google has begun to penalize websites that do not have the SSL certificate. Therefore, it is vitally important that you know this type of security protocol and considers adding it to your website.
We give you all the keys to the SSL Certificate.
What is the SSL Certificate?
The SSL Certificate (Secure Socket Layer) is a security protocol that makes data travel in a complete and secure way, that is, the transmission of data between a server and web user, and in feedback, is fully encrypted or encrypted.
In the term HTTPS, the “S” means security and comes from SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). This encryption allows a secure connection keeping your data safe in case anyone wants to obtain it.
Surely you have seen websites with HTTPS at the beginning of your URL and a security lock in the navigation bar all highlighted with green color, the meaning is that the site has a cheap SSL certificate in the UK and the connection is, therefore, safe.
With the update of its version 56, Google Chrome began to mark the sites with a warning message regarding its possible lack of security. The criteria for marking them are those that have not adopted the SSL certificate, those that still use the HTTP version and those that handle private information such as passwords and payments with credit and debit cards.
Also, Google Search Console has been sending notifications to administrators of websites that own pages with the HTTP version, so that they move their site to a more secure version, HTTPS.
In February of the same year, the Internet giant announced significant changes from July, specifically with the release of the stable version Google Chrome 68.
The importance of an SSL certificate for my website
Google Chrome with the release of this new version, has begun to highlight sites without an SSL certificate with an exclamation mark in red. What Google intends with this is to inform the user that there are possible security risks.
This has a negative impact on our website, when users see that the website is insecure they may not be able to comply with the conversion.
How does this affect my ranking in browsers?
The penalty affects your Google ranking browser, with consequences on the SEO of your site. This penalty will disable you from appearing in the main results of a Google search and will also reduce the trust of users on your site.
Between two websites with a similar Google Positioning, the one with SSL Certificate will benefit.
SSL certificate impact on my site’s SEO
A study by Brian Dean has proven the increase in SEO from the change of the site to HTTPS, some other benefits are:
Google has confirmed HTTPS as a sign of importance in the search ranking.
If your site is new, this will give you a better place in the browser.
It is important to mention that the change to HTTPS should not be made just for the interest in SEO.
The decision is yours, but the adoption of HTTPS on your site will help increase its visits.
Some extra benefits are:
Higher ranking in the browser means more traffic and visits to the website.
Your users’ information and yours will be secure due to data encryption. It keeps you away from phishing sites (phishing).
Users like to trust secure sites that don’t seem suspicious.
How can I know if my site is safe?
It is necessary to have the green “https” prefix at the beginning of the site address. In addition to the green lock at the beginning of the link, in the navigation bar. If you don’t have them, you need to contact a web development professional to help you with the implementation.
If you are interested in obtaining and installing this type of cheap SSL certification, ask us without obligation.