Bj Klock is the founder and trademark owner of Financial Freedom Creator, Build Influence and the CEO of Advisight, a marketing research center based in Los Angeles, CA. Bj’s humble start began in his home town of Hartford, CT. After completing high school, he moved to North Carolina where he attended High Point University.
As an adult, he created his own unique philosophy that would eventually guide him and others to a financially secure future. Using this philosophy, Bj taught himself to live in a way that represents what he wanted most out of life, which at that time was freedom. To make this happen, he knew that if he wanted to do better, he had to be better.
He began living by his belief that success was defined by freedom and charity. It led him towards working to give others the same opportunity to turn their hopes and dreams into a reality. To do this, Bj built up his network and social media presence inspiring people across the world to live their dream life.
He was able to position himself as an example for others. Mentors were very instrumental in accomplishing this, especially Jim Rohn and author Napoleon Hill, who wrote the book, Law Of Success In 16 Lessons.
After gaining extensive knowledge in various fields, making multiple brands an extreme viral success for himself and others creating a dream life. He now works with and consults many major worldwide brands, including many in Hollywood, guiding them in building successful online influences.
One of Bj’s Companies Advisights’ mission is to inspire Billions of people to take action on their passions and live their dream lives. They do this by distributing content for some of the worlds most incredible brands & people.
Bj is on a mission to inspire people to love, learn and listen more. He’s used his years of experience to create the nonprofit education research center, Thinknectics.
His personal massive enterprise now has over 200 employees, over 1 million followers worldwide, and has made over 1 billion impressions. His Business Advisight Manages A Network Of Over 500 Million Followers and Has Gained Impressions In The Trillions.
To help others do the same, he and his companies plan on helping over 100 million people earn an additional $2,000 a month by 2035. Bj and his partners provide Wi-Fi, electricity and solar powered salt water desalination plants to at-risk populations to prevent energy and water crisis in at risk areas.
None of his impressive accomplishments would be possible without networking, building relationships and working together to arrive at solutions for the target markets. His systems and passion for helping others have enabled him to live a life of freedom, security, and most importantly, the ability to help others change their lives for the better.