The trend revolving around virtual reality headsets has been on a rise and it bound to gain even more fame in the next couple of years. What is virtual reality? It is when a 3D environment or affect has been generated through computer and with the help of specific electronic equipment you can interact with the environment by stimulation. You can sense it primarily through two senses, sound and sight. You can stimulate a real environment for education and training purposes or develop an imagined environment for game.
Now you may wonder what a virtual reality headset is. Trust us, it is as fascinating as it sounds and is bound to be on you to buy list once you are done reading this article. Basically, it is a head mounted devise that gives an experience of virtual reality to the wearer. They are usually used for theatre like experience, but do come in handy for other purposes e.g. Military or medical training as well. These VRs have a head-mounted display, motion tracking sensors and sound. The motion tracking sensors may contain magnetometers or structured light systems. A very advanced virtual reality headset may come with eye tracking sensor as well.
You need to keep certain things in your mind before deciding about the best VR headset for you, the foremost being what do you need it for? Currently there is ton of VR content available that includes seminars, tutorials, games etcetera. If you want to go ahead and have some exceptional gaming experience, then go for a tethered system or if you want it for your mobile phone then go for an untethered system. Most of the headsets that work off of a computer or gaming consoles come with sophisticated features such as motion tracking and have the best graphics. They are mostly better for comfort and block the outside light. Moreover, it prevents motion sickness as well. You also need to be aware of the space that you have available. If you want to buy the best theatre VR headset then it is important to think about what movies are you going to be watching? Do you want the ultimate cinema experience, the 3D experience or a true virtual reality immersion? Moreover, you need decide that where will you be getting the theatre like feels, over a PlayStation or over your smartphone?
After doing a lot of research and constantly going through the customer comments, we have come to the conclusion that the best theatre VR headset is given by GOOVIS G2 pro. This virtual reality headset works like magic. When you use it, you feel like you have isolated the current world and entered a new world. It is extremely easy to set up and comes with the features like adjusting the vision, universal connectivity and 3D projections. Eye strain and headaches can be prevented when you use this because of its ability to minimize vision up to +/- 0.33D. it comes with a 3D feature to give you a theatre like experience and has a long battery of 4.5 hours. It is lightweight and hence can be worn for a long time. Moreover, it supports 4K blue ray and 3D blu ray as well. Another great thing about it is that you don’t always have to connect it with your smartphone, which means you can avoid unnecessary calls and emails while watching your favorite movie.
Now coming to its technology area, it has 2 high-resolution 0.7-inche AM-OLED sony 1920 x 1080 micro displays with a PPI of 3147. It gives you incredibly sharp images and displays more details because of its pixel density which is seven times than that of iPhone X. it comes with ultra-precision optical lenses and a much-enlarged screen that is around 800 inches wide if viewed from twenty meters away. All your favorite movies can be easily downloaded because of the internal storage of 32 GB and SD slot can give up to 256 GB as well. You know what is even cooler? It has a 5900 mAH lithium ion which means you can watch 2 to 3 movies in a row. It has an ease in connecting with intelligence devices and is portable. For More Reviews Click Here.
Sorting out all sorts of complexities is not difficult; hence here we have helped you out with it. Now you can buy the best theatre VR headset and have a great theatre like experience!