Alicia Kappers, 40, was pregnant when her husband admitted her to Cincinnati, Ohio, hospital. It was late March and she also had symptoms of Covid-19. Kapppers had fever and cough. She also experienced troubling in breathing. At the time of admitting in the hospital, she was 31 weeks pregnant. But COVID-19 was putting a strain on Kappers. For this reason, she was taken to an intensive care unit. There she delivers a baby in a medically induced coma. Kappers already had a 3 years old son Zayne. According to the Kappers and her husband, conceiving was not an easy task for the couple. Furthermore, the virus of COVID-19 made all the scenario more complicated.
It was their son who first had complained about fever and fatigue in early March. Kappers was sure that the COVID-19 virus had their family. Her husband also had fatigue, headaches. He also reported a loss of his sense of smell and taste. After a week Kappers also started experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19 bur her health condition was deteriorating faster than other two family members. Her husband, Razzak, took her to TriHealth Good Samaritan Hospital. Within hours of admitting, the doctors decided to put her on a ventilator. Razzak stated “I don’t know whether they thought she was going to pull through it,” and they started discussing how to deliver the baby safely. The doctors placed her on her stomach. This method of positioning is called prone positioning. This method is used to increase the amount of oxygen in a lunge to make breathing comfortable. The doctor used the drug remdesivir as a part of a clinical trial. Nurses of the hospital would arrange a discussion with her husband every day at 6 a.m. Her husband also tried to make her happy and talked about her toddler. Kappers was sedated but for some minutes. She started to have contraction two months before due to delivery. She gave birth then while in a medically induced coma.
Reported by Andoverleader