We all know that everything has changed since the covid-19 pandemic came. What’s more, the unpredictability and breakdown in normality can destroy all the steps you take in managing your time. Here are nine ways to manage your time during a pandemic. Thankfully you can get back on track. It is not going to happen overnight. But, with a little trial and error, as well as patience, you can once again master the art of time management. And, here are eight ways to help you.
Prioritize your health and well-being.
It is important for all of us to take care of our health and well-being. Because we will be able to give 100% of our work only when we remain physically, mentally and emotionally fit. To stay fit, we must exercise, eat good food and sleep well.
What’s the best way to structure your day?
When a pandemic strikes, it’s going to disrupt our daily routine. Even if we are able to work with us, we will still have to face the problem. Because even when working at home, we have to share our workplace with our children and spouse. For this, we should have a plan in which all this should be done, how much work we have to do in the day, at what time and how, because if the time is not fixed then everything will not be on the fix time. And, since this is already a stressful time, you don’t want to add the pressure of following a strict schedule. If you’re in these types of situations, we need to make a program for this. Then the same program needs to be followed. Perhaps block time for uninterrupted work before you have to homeschool your children. If you have an invite at the same time as your better half, consider an alternative time.
Designate a workplace.
First of all, we need a work space which is absolutely calm and clean. It does not matter what you plan because you cannot work on your plan by sitting on the couch of your family watching TV. And if our desk is dirty with this, then we will not have any mood to work on it. In a perfect world, you would have your own home office where you could shut the door and work in silence. But it is not possible for everyone. We should try to find a very quiet place in our house. And with this, also make sure that we have all the resources to work. And, make sure that you keep it clean and clutter-free.
Pay attention to fragmented time
Is time really broken? Well, H.V. MacArthur describes it as “those small blocks of 15 to 30 minutes that exist between scheduled meetings.” There is a need to have a gap in whichever alerts we make for our work, this will also give us a chance to take a break. This time can also be used to prepare the next meeting or list. And, it ensures that if that Zoom call went into overtime, you aren’t to run late into your next appointment. Despite these benefits, “most of us are very passive with our calendars,” writes MacArthur. “Clockwise saw a 17% increase in the amount of fragmented time per person per week (blocks of time less than 2 hours) and a 1.27-hour (8%) decrease in the amount of focus time per person per week (blocks of time longer than 2 hours)”.
Find a healthier balance with your screens
Even before covid-19 Pandemic, we all depended on gadgets. Actually, it’s been found that we tap, click, and swipe our phones a whopping 2,617 times a day. It’s of the extreme importance to remain informed and in-touch. But, it can also be distracting. Even worse, being glued to your screen for too long can be tired. How can you create a healthier relationship with your phone? Well, Catherine Price, author of How To Break Up With Your Phone It gives you a chance to see how you feel with your screen. If the phone stays with us, then we can easily access any news in the world. Price also recommends being more selective with your apps. That means only keeping those that are profitable and uninstalling those that aren’t. You may also want to delete social media apps from your Home screen. And, instead of imposing more things on yourself, reduce the amount of Zoom meeting or conference calls you have on your schedule.
Put first things first in your calendar.
This means to prioritize your important things, and give away the useless things. In other words, identify your precedence and add them to your calendar. If not, something of less importance will take priority. Best of all, because you should only have a handful of precedence, you can maintain a healthy balance of structure and malleability.
Keep your values in sight
We need to think about our values. When we start knowing the value of our work, then we will be able to work well by connecting our mission with our value. Because we waste our time on wasteful things. Therefore, instead of wasting our time on wasteful activities, we need to focus on those things so that we can reach our target.
Don’t put yourself in calendar debt.
“Lots of people spend time coming up with budgets so they can improve their finances,” writes Kayla Sloan in another Calendar article. “Then they spend extra time tracking their finances and comparing everything to their budget. Taking care of the budget and sticking to it and making a financial plan helps us to reach the target of wealth. But,as for time? Well, “once spent, you can’t make more“ of it. “That’s why you should budget your time like you budget money,” suggests Kayla. Creating a budget for the first time may seem overwhelming. If seen in reality, all this is not so difficult, we have to understand how we can do our valuable assets and how not.
- To help you get started, here are some recommendations from Kayla:
- First find a calendar app and use it.
- Create a list of your important works.
- Plan ahead for work
- Block out time for tasks like email.
- We will also have to deed which work we can finish on time.
- Keep motivated by setting personal and work goals.
And, as Dave Ramsey explains, when you have a time budget, you gain a sense of attraction. As a result, you’ll be more skilled and won’t waste your time on activities that leave you feeling drained.