Important And Interesting Facts You Must Definitely Consider While Buying Water Purifier

From a very early age, we have been taught about the importance of water to support our survival. Pure drinking water is a necessity these days and can only be obtained through water purifiers.

Households install these machines to get rid of the harmful components that are present in tap water. This purification process is essential since many of these harmful components are attributed to the spread of water-borne diseases.

There are a lot of brands that produce good quality water purifiers today and selecting one among the lot can be tedious. This article is a guide that will help you buy a water purifier that is best suited for you.

To begin with, let us understand what is TDS?

TDS are solid contaminants that dissolve in water. They play their part in making the water hard and impure along with giving it an altered taste.

Healthy drinking water is one with a TDS value of less than 500. Water purifiers help in reducing this TDS value and making the water more drinkable.

Different purification techniques

There are three purification techniques that water purifiers employ. These are as follows.

Reverse Osmosis: Popularly known as RO this purification technique is an old-school one. It involves passing the water through a permeable to get rid of all the impurities.

Ultra Filtration: This purification technique uses ultra-violet rays to get rid of all the harmful components of water. Using this technique, however, does not get rid of the hardness of the water.

If your tap water is particularly hard, you are advised to use a water filter with both RO and UV technology.

Carbon filter: An activated carbon filter is the third type of purification technique used in these machines. Due to the porous nature of carbon, much of the impurities are removed.

The dissolved solid particles in the water persist.

To combat this, the activated carbon filter is used in combination with the other two purification techniques.

How to choose a water purifier?

The right water purifier for you depends upon the TDS level of your incoming tap water. Ou can safely go for a purifier devoid of RO technology if the TDS level is below 500 ppm.

A greater TDS concentration results in impure and hard water.

Choose a water purifier which has all the purification techniques integrated within it if the TDS value exceeds 1800 ppm.

Look out for the following factors as well.

  • Look out for the storage capacity. While a larger capacity results in a bulkier design, on the hindsight it will ensure more fresh drinking water for your family
  • Consider the certifications, the brand, and the product that has received. This is a guarantee of efficient working.
  • Check whether you will get the proper maintenance services from the manufacturer. This will be beneficial in the long run and will also ensure that the product remains long-lasting.

Also, gather the necessary sales information at the time of the purchase.

That is about everything when it comes to buying a perfect water purifier. You will products various combinations of purification techniques.

Go through this guide article and make the best purchase.