Benefits of getting cheap Email hosting

cheap email hosting

What cheap email hosting service would you choose if you had to base your decision on the following email addresses? or

We are sure that you would most likely go for the first one. We, as consumers, generally believe more in an email with the company name than in a free email account. Although it may seem unimportant, there is broader learning here than just the email address. It’s about creating credibility and a good brand image.

Essentially, it is the impression that your business is promoting to the world. And for new companies and SMEs in this competitive market, branding is one of the strongest ways for a company to stand out from others. There are many other reasons why a commercial email is required.

Below we will review some of the most important benefits you can get when you purchase a personalized email.

Present your brand

Your brand name will be reflected in the communication you send to your customers and partners. If you want to send a promotion or a sales email, then you will want to avoid the spam folder and create a professional email address that reinforces your brand. For example, you can send promotional emails from an email address like

Provide customer service

Your customer service email address will become popular as soon as your business becomes operational. Clients always have questions, comments, and problems and sometimes they just want help with a question. In such a situation, having a brand email address adds more credibility to your business. For example, will not be as effective as help An email address with your brand shows the seriousness with which you take your business.

Improve the image of your business

A free email address can indicate that your business is new, part-time or very small. A brand email address creates a more professional image and can help avoid any awkward situation with customers who don’t want to do business with you because they don’t perceive you as a legitimate business. Also, setting up multiple email addresses for different departments of your company (help, sales@ business, returns @ business, etc.) you will add weight to professional images you are building.

Sale promotion

There is nothing more annoying than receiving an email from that

He wants to do business with you. The email says nothing about the brand or product, except that John has enough time on his hands and is sending cold emails to everyone he can find on the web. Once you have a custom domain such as or, you can configure the sales email addresses that will help you work on those contacts and send relevant and credible queries to help carry out your business.

Improve brand awareness

One of the main advantages of using a branded email address is that

Every time you send an email communication, you will be promoting your own business and not Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail. Doing this is cheap and is a valuable way to spread your business without spending a fortune.


If you have the impression that branding is an activity aimed only at large companies with huge budgets, think again! Every business in the market is competing against other businesses and therefore, building a brand is key. You are never too small to start building your brand and you can start today by personalizing your email.

For all those who familiarize ourselves with the topic of hosting, we have to know that part of the service to be offered is the generation of emails that come with the domain name we registered (e.g. ) thus giving one more projection professional to your business or project on the Internet.

Things you need to consider for Cheap Email Hosting

What are the things you need to consider for Cheap Email Hosting

Therefore we show you the most used terms in terms of e-mail.


Disk space or also called webspace is that storage that is allowed to be used on the server, each hosting plan has a capacity that will be measured in GigaBytes (GB) of space, in this way the hosting plans offered count with an approximate of 1 GB = 1024 MegaByte (MB). In addition, it is the storage space that will be used by your business emails on the web.


The webmail is a service that is included in any web hosting plan and which will allow you to read and send emails through your browser; In this way, you can check and send emails from any computer or delete spam emails before downloading them with your client


Post Office Protocol or “POP” is the way in which e-mail programs, also called mail clients such as Eudora or the most popular that is Outlook, are used to receive and send emails, so users of each account POP must have a unique name and passwords, and when the contract is made for a hosting service the accounts and email boxes will be associated with the name of the domain hired in the hosting.


The self-responders are in the hosting service a tool that will facilitate many functions to perform, because it is about providing automatic responses when receiving an e-mail, avoiding having to answer at the moment.


It is the name of the unsolicited email, which a person receives. They are spam or junk mails since they are usually advertising all kinds of products. Which, if detected, is sentenced with the suspension of email accounts, disabling them to not receive or send emails.


It is a tool in which its main function is to send mass emails to all your clients or subscribers of a web page, without becoming qualified as SPAM, this tool is included in all NEUBOX plans.


The redirection of e-mails is that action that will allow you to send an email that you have received in the mailbox of your domain in the hosting, automatically sent to another email account.

Frequently asked questions about business mail

Our answers to frequently asked questions about business mail

What is email hosting about?

Email hosting is a service-based primarily on email servers. This solution runs independently of web hosting, so your business will continue to function normally while you configure everything.

What are the advantages of email inboxes with their own domain?

Today, raising awareness and brand confidence is extremely important. While this is not something easy to do, it is much simpler to achieve it with a business email with your own domain! Each email you send will show your domain name to potential customers, while at the same time encouraging them to visit your website. According to surveys, users prefer to choose companies that use business email addresses.

Is it possible to migrate the content of my email from other platforms?

Yes of course! Each plan has an email migration tool, so you can transfer everything to our platform. And if you need help or have a problem, our support team will be ready to help you!

Can I set up my email accounts on Apple / Android devices?

No problem. All business email plans are compatible with any type of device and email client, so you can always be connected, no matter where you are.