How to Clean Makeup Brushes at Home

clean makeup brushes at home

Cleaning your makeup brushes properly is very important for both you and your wallet. In this fast paced world, with all of the hustle and bustle going on in your life, it can be easy to lose track of all of your makeup. The brushes can get dusty and build up a nasty film on them over time, which will not only look unappealing, but also could lead to discomfort or even infection. In order to keep your brushes clean and free of bacteria and grime, make sure you know how to wash makeup brushes at home. Here’s one simple technique that will help you do just that.

Use Warm Water:

Rinsing Your Makeup Brushes in Warm Water First of all, make sure you thoroughly rinse off all of your make up products from your brushes before you start rinsing them. You can do this by submerging the brush in warm water and then slowly moving the brush towards the drain. If your water runs clean when you go to rinse the brush out, it means that you have found the most effective way of rinsing your brushes. When you rinse your brushes, start at the bottom and work your way to the top, gently blotting away any remaining soap or water. Repeat this process until the soap is gone.

Rinsing the Brushes After you have thoroughly rinsed your brushes out, you should next dry them up and remove any excess water. Start by setting the brushes to the same temperature as the skin, using a heating pad if necessary. Next, take a toothbrush and dip it into the warm water and begin to brush in circular motions around the length of each brush. Be careful not to apply too much pressure or you might crack the natural shape of your brushes.

Cleaning Home Dishwashers:

Cleaning the Home Dishwashers Once you have completed the above tasks, it is time to consider the home dishwasher. As long as you use a gentle dish soap and warm water, dishwashing should be a safe and easy task. The first step in dishwashing is making sure that all of your dishes are clean and free of any soap residue. If you have small children in your household, it might be best to run the washing machine on a low cycle.

Finding the Right Bathroom Cleaner There are a few different types of brushes for cleansing the bathroom that you can buy. If you already have a cleanser in your bathroom, you should consider buying a new brush with the same bristles or soap. Sponges are another type of cleansers that you can buy to get deep down deep cleaning. A sponge and a scrubber will probably do the trick for most people, as they are the easiest to come by and are most effective.

How to Wash Makeup Brushes:

How to Wash Makeup Brushes When choosing how to clean makeup brushes at home, you need to know which type of toothpaste to buy. To get a more gentle cleaning job, try using a sponge gently and only on the areas you wish to clean. If your face becomes extremely dry and irritated after using the sponge, try using either a commercial dish soap or lukewarm water to cleanse your face. Never use any type of detergent on your face while you’re cleaning the brushes, as this can make the cleaning process much more difficult. Rinse your face well, pat dry with towel, apply moisturizer, and apply foundation to finish.

How to Wash Makeup Brushes After completing the previous steps, it’s now time to move onto the most important step: How to clean the beauty blender. Using the sponge and a soft brush, wipe the brush across the entire inside of the beauty blender. Never rub the blades, as this will prevent the blade from making any contact with the actual skin.


How to Wash Makeup Brushes For the Best Results There are many brands of makeup brush cleaners that you can find in the market today. You may want to read some product reviews to know which brands are best suited for your needs. It is essential to note though, that every individual reacts differently to products. So, just follow these simple instructions and you should be good to go!