Proteins protect and repair the cells and tissues of our body. Different types of amino acids make different types of proteins. Protein is a very important diet for growing children which helps in their good growth. According to a study, children between the ages of 1-3 should eat 13g of protein daily, children between the ages of 4-8, 19g, children 9-13, 34g, and girls between 14-18 46 grams and 52 grams of protein should be consumed daily for boys.
Whenever it is about protein, eggs or meat comes to mind. It is true that a non-veg diet contains a very high amount of protein, but vegetarian people too can easily meet their daily protein requirements through a vegetarian diet.
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It also plays an important role in the formation of tissues, muscles and bones, so the lack of protein in the diet causes many problems. Usually bodybuilders, gym goers or athlete’s protein shake, Through the use of powders or supplements, protein deficiency is met. But in the normal routine, women can get enough protein in their vegetarian diet.
Protein provides strength to our body. Yes, protein is an element made up of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, which works to protect the body from diseases. Protein makes the body strong both inside and outside. Protein helps in the development of the body. Also, protein is very important for the formation of our body issues. It not only creates problems but also repairs the wear and tear of our body. Apart from this, protein is needed for our bones, muscles, blood functions and good skin and hair. Often you have heard that if you want protein then start eating meat-fish or eggs. But what will you do if you are a vegetarian? But you do not get upset because today we are going to tell you about some vegetarian foods which contain more protein than eggs and meat.
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1. Peas (Veg Protein Diet)
Peas are rich in fiber and protein which protects you from stomach cancer. Not only this, both potassium and magnesium are abundant in peas. Both these minerals are necessary for the body. They also contain adequate amounts of Vitamin C.
2. Oats (Veg Protein Diet)
Oats are low in fat and high in protein. You can eat it as khichdi or oats dosa in your breakfast.
3. kidney beans (Veg Protein Diet)
Rajma is the best source of protein eaten in India. Easy to cook as well as rich in protein. You can eat Rajma with bread, rice, salad or soup as per your wish.
4. Lentils (Veg Protein Diet)
Lentils are preferred all over the world. You can use it in the shape of a delicious soup or on top of rice with onion and carrot. Each serving contains an enormous amount of 12 grams of protein.
5. Nuts (Veg Protein Diet)
Proteins are found in very good amounts in them. You can eat almonds, cashews and pistachios in it. 10 almonds contain 2.5 grams of protein.
6. Beans (Veg Protein Diet)
Beans whether black or brindle, in the shape of rajma or gram, they are cheap, easy to cook and rich in protein. You can boil them and add cucumber, carrot and coriander to it.
7. Seeds (Veg Protein Diet)
Pumpkin seeds (9 grams), sesame (6 grams), sunflower (8 grams), use these seeds in your food. Protein is found in very good amounts in them.
8. Ragi (Veg Protein Diet)
Ragi is rich in protein, iron, calcium and vitamins. If your children do not eat ragi directly, then grind it and mix it with flour and feed them bread.
9. Cheese (Veg Protein Diet)
We also eat cottage cheese, mixed in salads. It is mixed and eaten in many dishes.
10. Peanut Butter (Veg Protein Diet)
Peanut butter is always considered a good snack, although it is new in Indian food but the choice is equally made. You can eat it by putting it in a sandwich in the morning breakfast.
11.Wheat Bread (Veg Protein Diet)
Wheat bread contains protein and carbohydrates. With which you can eat it everyday. Two rotis that will give your body 5.2 grams of protein.
12.Spinach (Veg Protein Diet)
Spinach not only contains protein, but also important nutrients like calcium, potassium and beta-carotene. Drinking spinach juice benefits health.
13..Almonds (Veg Protein Diet)
Nuts are especially the best of the almond protein. Besides plenty of protein, almonds are also rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber . By eating it regularly, you get a lot of health benefits.
14.Greek yogurt (Veg Protein Diet)
Greek yogurt also contains more protein than eggs. Plain nonfat Greek yogurt is very beneficial when it comes to protein. Contains 23 grams of protein per cup. You can also mix and eat your favorite things in it.
- Quinoa (Veg Protein Diet)
Quinoa is also very good for your health. It would not be wrong to be called super food because it contains an element called lysine, which plays an important role in the repair and development of tissues. Apart from this, it also has a high amount of protein. Proteins also contribute to the development of tissue.
- Chia Seeds (Veg Protein Diet)
Chia seeds are not considered inferior to any superfoods. 1 tablespoon of chia seeds contains 3 grams of protein. Despite its small size, chia seeds are the most nutritious foods. They are found in fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids and various micronutrients. You can eat it by putting it in salad, milk, juice, soup, pudding etc.
17 .Green peas (Veg Protein Diet)
Women who do not eat non-veg can include green peas in their diet to meet protein deficiency. A cup of green peas contains 8 grams of protein. Apart from this, many elements like fiber, potassium, vitamins, copper are found in green peas. It not only enhances the taste of food, it is beneficial for our health in many ways. It makes the eyes light faster.
So why do you also include these foods in your diet and get more protein than eggs, meat and fish?
18 Soybean (Veg Protein Diet)
Soybeans or products made from it are considered a good diet for vegetarians because they contain protein as well as other nutrients . Make tofu or soy milk a part of your diet in addition to soybeans. Soy Milk is good for women who are lactose intolerant and cannot drink milk. 100 grams of soybeans contains about 15 grams of protein. So what are you waiting for, start eating it today.
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