Motorcycle intercoms make it easier for us to answer phone calls, listen to music or the radio, and maintain contact with our companion or other motorists while riding. But, what should be taken into account when purchasing them?
Motorcycle intercoms: everything you need to know
Intercoms, besides making it easier for you to listen to music or the radio, will allow you, depending on the model purchased, to answer phone calls, follow the directions of the navigator and communicate with the passenger of the motorcycle or other motorists during the route.
What type of intercom is right for me?
Currently, intercoms are highly appreciated by those who like to practice motorcycling, especially in the company of other riders, although in the market you will find models for different uses and types of helmet and with prices suitable for all budgets.
Broadly speaking, you should know that most intercoms work via Bluetooth and that, based on their characteristics, these devices can be classified into different categories:
Intercoms for individual use. These are especially suitable for motorcyclists who only want to be connected with their mobile phone, navigator or radio/music player.
Intercoms for couple use. These are ideal for those who travel by motorcycle with a companion. Thanks to its use, pilots and passengers avoid having to establish a signal code to communicate during the trip.
Intercoms to connect with other motorists. They allow motorcyclists traveling in a group to establish communication while on a route. The connection distance limit and the number of connected users vary depending on the purchased model. Within this type of intercoms, the most complete devices are those with Dynamic Meshwork Communication (DMC) technology. Unlike the connection via Bluetooth, it is fully adaptive and maintains constant connectivity between all the members of a group of motorcyclists, even if it is divided.
Once you have selected the type of intercom that suits you best, you must take into account which helmet model you are going to install it: “jet”, folding/modular or integral. In this section you must be especially careful and precise with the mounting of the speakers, the microphone, the internal wiring. If you are not a “handyman”, it is best that professionals from a specialized center are in charge of their installation.
And not least: make sure that the intercom gives you sufficient autonomy, that it has a good range if you want to communicate with other motorcyclists and, in the case of components that are not housed inside the motorcycle helmet, that it is resistant to damage. adverse weather conditions.
Finally, if you want to save on mounting the device, you will always have the possibility of purchasing a helmet with an integrated intercom. A few years ago, this option was almost prohibitive, but today there is a wide range of models with really affordable prices. Of course, before buying it, collect information on its main characteristics and check that it is approved.
Equipment Coverage
Undoubtedly, the appearance of motorcycle intercom systems has meant a before and after, since they make it easier to answer phone calls, be guided by the navigator, listen to our favorite music or establish communication with the passenger or other motorcyclists without having to let go of their hands from the handlebar. Hence, so many users consider them, in addition to being a highly useful technological device, another element that contributes to reinforcing the safety of those who use them.
If you purchase a motorcycle intercom or a helmet that incorporates it as standard, AMV makes it easy for you to extend the guarantees of your motorcycle insurance with the Equipment coverage, which covers both the rider’s equipment and the accessories installed on the motorcycle.
Due to the fact that the market has plenty of these devices, it is also important to clarify that there is no such a good correlation between price and quality.
Luckily, due to the high demand of these type of devices a startup called Eye-Lights that was created a few years ago and has all the licences, has revolutionized all the industry with their HUD technology which not only allows you to listen and connect with others but also see all the information in front of your eyes.