Weight happens to be one of the critical factors when checking out which safes you need to buy. It will determine the safe’s ability to protect from fire and burglary. Steel happens to be massive. A safe quality with solid steel walls will tend to be heavier than a safe flimsy that is just fabricated using wrapping metal sheets around panels of insulation.
Concrete that is the high density that is amalgamated tends to be heavy. A composite amalgamated concrete base that is fire-safe will grow to weigh more than a safe, which utilizes insulation panels.
High density and steel concrete tend to amalgamate together and will be very heavy. A true burglary safe with solid steel walls and concrete th amalgamated fire cladding carries three times the mass of the same size of a safe that is constructed using steel metal and the panels for drywall. They are the type of safes that you need to look out for.
You have to the lookout. If a safe is very heavy, it does not necessarily mean that it carries a lot of solid steel. The weight can come as a result of combined concrete alone. You have to ensure to check the real steel thickness for both the wall and the floor.
Go with the lock that is UL approved
Ensure that the safe you are planning to purchase has a group 2 UL approved lock or something better. The three locks that are dependable lock manufacturers are Kaba Mas, Sargent and Greenleaf, and LaGard. These are considered to be lock manufacturers who produce guaranteed locks to provide for decades of trouble-free operations.
If you decide to go for a safe that doesn’t have an approved UL lock, there are higher chances of the safe lock coming from China. The majority of the manufacturers that end up equipping their safes with their lock brand utilize the Chinese locks. While they are very affordable, the lock’s built-in in china are undependable and are likely to fail faster.
The Chinese locks malfunction, and you might be locked out of your safe. Opening such safes might be time-consuming and costly as it is nearly impossible for an even licensed locksmith to obtain blueprints to aid you in cleaning, a safe entry that is repairable. Most of the safe owners in such an unfortunate situation decide to go for a less expensive and faster-forced entry option. With that, the safe becomes unusable after you have gained forced entry, and as the owner, you get stuck with a large bill and the need to replace it with a secure and reliable safe.
Avoid drywall and fireboard based fire safes
Although the construction of fire safes with fireboard, dry board, the fireboard, or the other panel-based materials for insulation tends to make the majority of the sales that are sold currently in the market, they provide the fire protection that is inferior as compared to true fire safes that are composite-clad.