The process of designing workplace and products in such a way that they fit the people who use them is called ergonomics. Basically, ergonomics aims to improve a workplace and its systems in such a way that the risk of injury reduces to a great extent. When you focus on ergonomics of your workspace, you get a safe, comfortable and productive place.
When it comes to the warehouse industry, the injury rate is said to be relatively high. And where injury rate is high, productivity lowers, and your reputation is also harmed. If you are serious about your business and want to protect your warehouse and employees working in it, then it is mandatory to improve ergonomics. So, let us discuss some ways to improve warehouse ergonomics.
Encourage workers for short breaks – For an effective ergonomic program in the warehouse, it is necessary to have short breaks. Short breaks during work will let your employees relax and rejuvenate. Closing the eyes for a short time period and sitting in a relax mode will reduce their tiredness. They should also stretch during breaks to improve blood circulation. When there is better blood circulation in the body, your employees would be able to work efficiently.
Improve belt pick operations – If your warehouse deals with belt pick operations, then you must emphasize on improving ergonomics in your industry to reduce strain from employees. As in belt pick operations, employees have to deal with an item twice, make sure to train them to handle it efficiently. Also, teach them how to position the body when in front of the product. If they manage to keep the right body posture, their body will have to face less strain.
Train employees – This is the most crucial step towards improving the ergonomics of the warehouse. Teach your employee about all the safety measures they can take to keep themselves safe at work. Remember, training is not one time process. You have to train employees every time when new methods and equipment come into play.
Use material handling equipment – In any warehouse, it is extremely crucial to use the right material handling equipment so that employees have to face less stress while handling the heavy and bulky material. Different material handling equipment include scissor lift tables, conveyors, dock lifters, lift trolleys, pallet inverters, spring lift tables, safety work cables and more. These equipment will not only improve the ergonomics of your warehouse but will improve your productivity and profitability too.
Make package handling processes better – As in warehouses employees have to handle packages of varying sizes, it is highly crucial to make package handling processes better. Additionally, you can improve ergonomics by making sure that the employees wear all the protective gear while opening and closing packaging.
Take care of clutter – Clutter spread all over the floor in the warehouse is a basic reason behind slips and falls. To prevent such unwanted situations, timely clean the warehouse. Ask your workers to keep empty pallets stacked on the right place. Also, make sure that the wet spots are cleaned immediately to ensure the safety of the moving workers.