Do you wish to know how to prepare a camping bag? Whether you’re new to backcountry camping or need a backpacking guide to assist you in getting on to the trail, you would want to consider this list of gears for your big trip. This checklist is meant to be more than complete — you won’t need it all. In reality, it’s better to carry a limited amount of hiking and camping gear and leave luxury goods at home. The lighter your pile, the better you feel, but just don’t risk leaving out the essentials.
Be sure to study the temperature and climate of your destination and customize the wrapping accordingly. If you’re going to hike in a cold or rainy area, give particular attention to waterproof gear. If it’s going to be cold, plan on carrying extra pieces of clothing. If you’re lucky enough to stroll and camp in the warm weather, maybe you don’t need that much gear.
You need to become a smart and intelligent hiker by being prepared for any situation because knowledge and skills cannot be packed in your hiking bag pack, but you need to have it. Get complete details about your trip beforehand and know about the routes and plans too.
Go through the list given below to learn about all the essential items that you must carry to a camping or hiking trail.
1. Navigation is the Most Important
People usually end up getting lost at hiking and camping because the trail looks quite similar from every side. If you’re a beginner, then it is more critical for you to focus on carrying equipment for navigation.
Following are some of the vital essentials used while traveling in the backcountry:
It would help if you never stepped out for camping or hiking without carrying a topographic map. If you still do not know how to read it, then the best option for you in this digital era is Google map.
A compass becomes a vital tool during a hike. Nowadays, almost every smartphone consists of a compass and GPS trackers, which help the person in finding his way while being lost on the track. But, we would still advise you to take a baseplate compass because, unlike a smartphone, it does not work battery. Hence, you can use it anytime and anywhere. You can also wear it as a neckpiece to get a hiker look. Or you can also choose a compass that is equipped with a sighting mirror as it helps you to flash sunlight to a rescuer or helicopter at times of emergency.
An Altimeter Watch
This watch utilizes a barometric sensor which is used for measuring the pressure of air or GPS data that assist in providing the closest estimate about your elevation.
2. A Good Backpack
If you want to spend your hike in peace, you must invest your money in buying a good backpack and then packing it with only essential items. Do you know what points should be considered while purchasing a bag pack for such a trip? Choose such a bag for yourself, which is light in weight and is significant so that you can put in all your hiking essentials. But remember that you do not have to overpack. Along with its lightweight, you should not compromise on other essential features such as a hip belt or padded straps or its waterproof exterior and padded back panel. All these features make it easier to be carried while strolling on mountains.
3. Sun Protection Should not be Missed
Going for a hike means that you’ll be exposed to the sun for the whole day. Hence, you have to take care of your skin beforehand, as it would save you from several skin diseases. Never forget to pack sunglasses, sun protection, a bandana, or neck gaiter, which can be easily ordered from 4inbandana.com. Most importantly, you have to take care of your clothing. Avoiding all these points may cause harm to your skin, causing severe sunburn. Therefore, blocking deadly UV rays from the sun should be your topmost priority.
4. First Aid Supplies are Necessary
If you’re sensible, you’ll never forget first aid supplies at home. If you do not want to pack it yourself, you can also buy a pre-packaged first aid kit available in the market. It consists of all the essential medications and ointments that might be required during your journey. Once you complete one trip, you’ll get a basic idea about what to carry in the future.
5. Never Give Up on Insulation
Even if you see that the weather is warm, you should always have an extra clothing piece because you do not know when the weather would change in the mountains or any other camping area.
6. Fire Starter
There’s no camping or campsite without a fire. It would be best if you were well-equipped with the waterproof matches (because of humidity). You can also opt for a firelighter. In emergencies, the primary purpose of people becomes maintaining fire for the longest time possible. Therefore, firestarter works best even in damp areas as it ignites fire immediately.
If you’re not sure about the presence of firewood at your camping area, then it is suggested to carry a little stove for providing emergency heat. You can instantly get your fire setting gear from Rei-co.op.
7. Emergency Shelter
If you have an overnight trip, we recommend you carry a sleeping bag along with a tent. Otherwise, it would help if you carried huge orange plastic bags as they will shelter you during emergencies. Orange color is mostly used to attract attention; hence you might end up getting help.
8. Nutrition
If you’ve been to a hike before, you must know how important it is to take enough calories to sustain your energy in the mountains for all-day-long activities. It is suggested to carry bars such as Luna, Pro Bar, Clif Bar, Larabar, etc. For lunch, you can pack some tortillas or prepare sandwiches with meat and cheese. Thus a nutritious food is a must to gain the amount of energy you are losing in that hiking. Climbing on mountains or hilly areas drains more energy out of your body so do pack your snacks for hiking and plenty of liquids with you to have a zestful trip.