Shared Hosting is the most popular hosting solution around the world. The huge number of offers available on the market often causes problems for customers, because most of the technologies and internet solutions are new. They usually don’t know what to look for when choosing a good hosting package.
First of all, remember that the abundance of various parameters (without restrictions) offered by the Hillingdon grid webmail does not mean that their service will be best for you. Of course, it would be best to consult a webmaster who would explain what features you will need in your project. However, if you don’t have this option, keep reading to understand some key facts about shared hosting and choose the right solution for you.
Below is a list of several, essentially key elements of each hosting plan, together with an explanation of what it is and what to look for in an ideal plan.
Price but extension
The price is a “parameter” that really should be the least important when choosing a grid hosting review company, but it is worth mentioning here because we are the most misled. Usually, we don’t have time to read long and boring regulations, so some companies use them efficiently.
The price is one thing, but this extension determines the true cost of hosting. Never suggest the price you see on the main page. In most cases, this is a promotional price covering only the first year of using the account. You will pay the extension price of the hosting service for the next years. Strangely enough, it may differ from the promotional price even several hundred times, yes … several hundred (100, 200, and 600 … times more). Sometimes a detailed price list for services is not so easy to find but take it easy, believe it somewhere and it’s worth it to take some effort.
Why do I think price guidance is not a good idea? Because every business must somehow earn money to function, is known. If the company has indecently low prices, it will either reflect on the extension of the service or cut it on something else … They will save on equipment, on personnel (technical support), or security, if not from the software side of the server room (monitoring systems, anti-theft, fire protection), ventilation, etc.). If they don’t “prune” and are still cheap, the question is how long will they be able to survive on the market (and competition can be brutal).
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting that cheap hosting is bad … You will find something cheap and good, but you have to be careful with this saving, because “sly lose twice” …
Do not forget about the domains! If you plan to buy a domain from your email hosting UK provider, remember that the pricing policy for domains, unfortunately, looks the same as for hosting accounts – that is, we are looking for a detailed price list for services and check the cost of domain renewal for the next years, because you may find that despite a lower price for hosting does not have to be cheaper than the competition if we add the cost of the domain.
The cost of the domain for the hosting provider is 10 POUND net for registration and 40 POUND net for renewals, everything above these amounts is a margin. The average price of domain renewal is about POUND 70 net.
Remember that you can register a domain no matter where and redirect to hosting. This is a better option in case you’re hosting turns out to be poor and you need to move the website. If you are interested in domains, then see my comprehensive article on domains and what you should know when choosing your domain
Space (disk space)
Often, hosting companies offer a huge amount of disk space. Don’t be fooled by large numbers ;). If you want to run a Blog with high-quality images on your site, you probably only need a few gigabytes (GB) of memory.
The type of disk is more important than the amount of space! It’s better to choose a hosting account with a smaller SSD than a large capacity hosting account, but on an HDD.
Videos published on the website should be hosted on external websites such as YouTube, Vimeo or Wistia. These are websites much better optimized for this purpose. Therefore, movies are not taken into account when estimating the amount of space needed for a website.
Check if the surface of your mailboxes is included in the total area of your hosting account (usually this is the case). Consider how many messages you send/receive, and do these messages usually contain large-size attachments? In this case, you need to think about the larger disk space of the windows web hosting UK account.
Estimating the needed capacity of the hosting account
Known. The more photos you plan to put on the site, the more space you’ll need. A large and good-quality photo (after proper optimization for placement on the website) is about 0.5MB. Hence, 1GB of disk memory means 2048 such photos!
The site itself is only a few MB, so we can skip it too.
The capacity of the windows hosting UK account depends on the type of website
Normal business card page – 1 GB of disk space is enough
Average blog with photos – 5 GB
Travel blog (many large photos) – 10 to 20 GB
Online store (depends on the amount of product and product photos) – 10 to 30 GB
A transfer is the amount of data that visitors to your site can download from the server in a month (sometimes it can be given for the whole year).
When someone opens your site in a web browser, all texts and multimedia on this page are downloaded from the server. Therefore, the more photos on the site, for example, the more transfer will be needed. Of course, in this situation, the amount of transfer needed will also increase as the number of visitors increases.